
FBI Investigating Hack That Led to Leak of DNC Emails

“Little did she know that China, Russia, one of our many many friends came in and hacked the hell out of us”.


This wouldn’t be the first time when this happens, as the Democratic National Committee has already been through this, when a hacker named “Guccifer 2.0”, believed to be related to the Russians, managed to access their files.

Clinton’s camp has responded by questioning whether Russia may be behind the hacking and insinuating that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s apparent fondness for Russian President Vladimir Putin may have played a role.

“Since I started digging into Manafort, these messages have been a daily occurrence on my Yahoo account despite changing my password often”, she wrote to the DNC’s communications director in May, leaked emails reveal.

But taking a step back, a related controversy, which is arguably far more serious, is unfolding.

Sanders supporters certainly weren’t amused.

“The FBI is investigating a cyber intrusion involving the DNC and are working to determine the nature and scope of the matter”, the FBI said in an official statement.

The DNC contacted CrowdStrike when experts discovered the hacking.

Clinton’s campaign officials blamed the Russians, pointing to a massive breach of DNC computers in June that cybersecurity firms later linked to the Russian government. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is friendly with the Russian government and is a fierce antagonist of Hillary Clinton. Was it from the Russians?

Trump’s team went out of its way to dismiss the alleged Russian connection as outlandish. In a tweet, Trump dismissed the claim as “a joke”, and Manafort described the rival campaign as “pretty desperate”. Bernie Sanders of Vermont just when the Democratic Party was hoping to close it.

Whatever the source, the fallout from the leaked emails was swift and dramatic. Tim Kaine, D-Va., left, points at Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, left, as he speaks at a rally at Florida International University Panther Arena in Miami, Saturday, July 23, 2016.

Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday that she would resign from her position at the end of the convention. “I would say this is not surprising at all, this is what intelligence agencies” want to get.

Cameras rolled as a couple got engaged on the floor of the DNC. All of that work, energy and money, and nothing to show for it!

What are Donald Trump’s links to Russian Federation? Or “maybe it’s simply just a mutual admiration society”, he told MSNBC.

Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, was pushing the notion that Russian Federation was behind the e-mail leaks in an effort to help Trump win.


One of Trump’s national security advisors, Michael Flynn, was paid to speak at a dinner in honour of the Kremlin-backed media outlet RT and sat with Putin at the event. Trump called it a “great honor” to receive his support. NBC 6’s Julia Bagg and Steve Litz have the latest.

Trump taunts claims that Russia hacked DNC emails for him