
5 rescued, 1 missing in Bay Bridge boating accident

Police say six people were on a 17-foot sailboat that swamped and sunk near the Bay Bridge in Annapolis on Sunday.


“They began taking on water in the stern end and the boat sank in a matter of minutes if not seconds”, Thomson said. The boat began taking on water after they had gone under the bridge and were returning to the north side of the two spans.

The five people who were rescued were taken to Sandy Point and are getting medical attention.

Units are searching for the sunken boat’s sixth passenger – a man from Upper Marlboro wearing a red shirt, police said. The passengers included four children, ranging in age from 5 to 13. Anne Arundel Fire and Rescue said a man fitting that description was seen swimming in the Bay, but he was pulled under the water.

Their conditions were unknown, the Coast Guard said.


According to Maryland Natural Resources Police, one adult and four children were rescued by a “Good Samaritan” on another boat one mile north of the bridge and one mile east of Sandy State Park.

1 missing, 4 rescued after sailboat sinks