
Dem. Rep. Alan Grayson Explodes on Politico Reporter

In a statement issued through his lawyer, the Congressman denied his ex-wife’s allegations. In one instance, she told police Grayson had threatened to kill her, according to Politico.


Alan Grayson, now running for the Democratic Senate nomination in the state, clashed with a Politico reporter following a DNC event in Philadelphia on Tuesday afternoon, threatening to report the journalist to the Capitol Police and saying he hoped the reporter would be arrested.

In an email to Politico, Lolita Grayson, whose 25-year-long marriage ended last year, provided police reports documenting at least four incidents of alleged domestic abuse -twice in Virginia and twice in Florida.

“Lolita is a disturbed woman”. She provided police and medical records related to 1994 and 1999 incidents in Fairfax County in Virginia, and sheriff’s reports concerning 2005 and 2014 incidents in Orange County, Florida. “The claims have been so ridiculous that not one time has there even been enough probable cause to bring a charge or an arrest against Alan Grayson”. “She physically lashed out at me, my siblings and our father, and then blamed us for it, victimizing us”, Skye Grayson told Politico. His current wife is running for his seat in Congress. Grayson himself is running for a seat in the Senate.

During divorce proceedings, Grayson claimed his ex-wife had struck him several times and set one of their cars on fire.

Following the event, Politico reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere tried to question Grayson about the article, and things turned hostile. “There never has been a witness or any proof whatsoever of her claims”.

But, in the most recent incident that allegedly occurred in 2014, Lolita Grayson claimed her husband shoved her, leading her to retaliate.

Lolita Grayson once accused Skye of assaulting her in a 2013 call to police. No arrests were made, Politico reported.

“Incident on video appears staged contrived by alleged VT [victim]”, referring to Alan Grayson, read a document approved by Assistant State Attorney Rebekah Shanai Taylor.


The revelations come as Mr. Grayson, challenger to Florida Sen.

Grayson ex-wife accuses him of long-running domestic abuse