
Trump’s introduction of Pence was as odd as you’d expect

Trump’s is not the first logo to become an online punchline.


“Richard PenceTrump gains on Clinton in Monmouth poll Colbert hijacks GOP convention stage to mock Trump Christie “relieved” Trump tapped a governor as VP MORE is a great guy”, he said Monday of Indiana’s GOP governor, according to CNN. “Donald Trump gets it”.

The Washington Post reported that Christie apparently made his feelings known Monday, pointing to a Twitter post made in response to a speech the governor gave to the MI delegation at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

But after publicly waffling over his own choice, Trump spent more time today making false attacks on Hillary Clinton-several of which could also be leveled against Pence-and talking about his own businesses than his own running mate.

“It assures people, since Pence actually supported Cruz in the primaries, this is one of the best things about Donald Trump’s character – he does not hold grudges”, said Mobley. The team may have a long history of opposing viewpoints and policy disagreements, but they shared common ground in their disdain for President Obama and rival Hillary Clinton.

“I also admire the fact that he fights for the people and he also is going to fight for you”.

The interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” highlighted a challenge Trump will face now that has put the IN governor on the GOP ticket: dealing with questions about where the two have disagreed.

“It is war. By the way, it is war”, Trump told “60 Minute” of the CBS News in an interview.

Trump’s decision to select Pence was seen as a move to unify the Republican Party, which remains deeply divided in the wake of the NY real estate mogul’s primary victory.

“Do you think John McCain is not a hero because he was captured?”

“I think it’s very close to unified”, Trump said.

The surprisingly poignant remark came on the heels of a long, rambling introduction from Trump that talked about nearly every topic except Mike Pence for the majority of the speech.


Although Indiana is part of the rust belt, which has lost manufacturing jobs overseas, Mr Trump said Mr Pence had brought down unemployment, created jobs, balanced the budget and made the state’s largest income tax cut.

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