
Trump vows to ‘save’ United States from Hillary’s legacy of ‘death, destruction’

Donald Trump’s former rival for the Republican nomination Ted Cruz has defended his decision not to endorse Mr Trump, saying he’s not the Republican presidential candidate’s “servile puppy dog”.


As Cruz’s speech went on and on without an endorsement, the people sitting next to me started yelling: “Say it!”

Cruz, who told Republicans they need to vote their conscience in November, was loudly booed by many other delegations as he left the stage, despite being the runner-up in the GOP presidential primary.

“We win and we lose, but then we have to get together”, Maas said, adding with a laugh.

Cruz “was trying to reach those people who say ‘Never Trump, ‘” said Emily Redditt, an alternate delegate from Texas, as she defended her senator.

“My thing is, your word is your bond”, said Sam, who ripped Cruz for backing out of a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee.

Trump first suggested that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of Kennedy the morning of the in primary, citing the tabloid story. The ad was put out by a PAC with no official ties to the Cruz campaign, but Trump said Friday that he doesn’t buy that. He pledged as president to restore a sense of public safety, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from what he described as Hillary Clinton’s record of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”.

Unusually at a Republican convention, Mr Trump also gave his support to the gay community, promising protection against “the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology” following last month’s massacre in Orlando.

Google also said that there was a 15,000 percent increase in searches on Thursday night for LGBTQ, the acronym that Trump used during his speech. “We had a fair process and Donald Trump is the nominee”. And then they said there may not be unity.

“We deserve leaders who stand for principle”.

The White House responded to Mr Trump’s comments by saying there should be no mistaking the commitment of the USA to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation alliance with its European allies.

But the plagiarism scandal over Melania Trump’s speech Monday night still had Google captivated. The 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago was a disaster.

He told supporters they have one mission now – to elect Trump president. “I think she’s one of his best assets”.


Mr Trump was trailing Mrs Clinton in many opinion polls after a bruising Republican primary season.

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