
Christie ‘relieved’ Trump tapped governor as VP

Mr. Trump had been scheduled to announce his choice on Friday at an event in NY, but said Thursday the event would be postponed in light of the attack in Nice, France.


“Indiana Governor Mike Pence was my first choice, I’ve admired the work he’s done, especially in the state of Indiana”, Trump said at an event in New York City.

“Periods for Pence” is also joining forces with a new group, ‘Tampons for Trump, ‘ on Facebook and on Twitter. “But we have to take care of our vets”, Trump said.

“The last few days have been pretty overwhelming but this is the best part”, Pence said in his short remarks to the crowd.

Soon enough, volunteers will fill offices making call after call, singing the praises of Donald Trump and now, Mike Pence.

“I’ve admired the work he’s done, especially in the state of in, but I also admire the fact that he fights for the people and he’s going to fight for you”.

Trump’s decision to select Pence was seen as a move to unify the Republican Party, which remains deeply divided in the wake of the NY real estate mogul’s primary victory.

Lee says, based on early ad spending and where candidates have appeared, it does not look like Wisconsin is a main battleground state – at least not at this time. “Just incredible”, he said.

“If you’re a Republican, and you have voted for Republican nominees for president, and you’re not working for Donald Trump, you’re working for Hillary”.

Trump addressed his reasons for picking Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate and also spoke on issues concerning jobs, border security and Hilary Clinton. “I’m excited to be joining the ticket tomorrow with Donald Trump”.

“One of the things I found out about this man is that he appreciates candor”, Pence said. “And if I’m elected president, that will happen”, Trump said.

Mr Pence has been a strong advocate in the fight to defund Planned Parenthood family planning clinics, and he passed Indiana’s anti-abortion law this year.


But their interview was an awkward start to what could become a rocky marriage, with Trump at one point arguing that he didn’t need Pence. While presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s logo has been praised by many designers, it prompted intra-party grousing past year. “Governor Pence is a welcomed addition to the GOP team in 2016”.

Trump Pence logo