
Matt Ryan returns as Constantine in upcoming Justice League Dark animated movie

Other members of the Justice League will make themselves known as well with Superman, Wonder Woman, and the John Stewart version of Green Lantern showing up.


JLD hits in the Fall.

Justice League Dark is all about threats that the regular Justice League might not be equipped to deal with.

Are you looking forward to Justice League Dark?

One of the most interesting aspects of this film is the fact that they were able to secure Matt Ryan as John Constantine. And the video reveals that Ryan is not only voicing Constantine for the animated film, he’ll be the main character of the story!

As for the rest of Justice League Dark’s roster, we can only speculate based on what we see in the sneak peek.

“I really wanted to jump into this project to play Constantine in a different context…around some of the iconic characters are in the DC “dark” world.”

That stems from NBC putting it in a bad time slot and not giving it the same sort of promotional push as the likes of Gotham and The Flash on Fox and The CW, but star Matt Ryan was given the chance to reprise the role in an episode of Arrow previous year. Hopefully positive fan reaction to this film, and to Ryan’s performance, will help motivate The CW to bring him into the Flarrowverse on a more regular basis.


As yet, there’s no official word on a release date for Justice League Dark, but expect it later this year, followed by Teen Titans: The Judas Contract and Batman and Harley in 2017.

Our First Look at the Next DC Animated Movie, Justice League Dark