
Wonder Woman Comic-Con Trailer Reveals More On Diana-Steven Chemistry

First footage from Wonder Woman debuted at Comic-Con on Saturday, providing fans with a sneak peek at Diana Prince in action.


The Hollywood Reporter echoed what happened at the panel interview.

All three of the immortal Amazons take responsibility for raising, protecting and training Diana to her destiny of being Wonder Woman.

Seventy-five years since being first written about, Wonder Woman is finally getting her own movie in the middle (peak?) of the world’s big superhero moment. “I was brought to life by Zeus”.

Patty Jenkins directed the film, based on a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns.

So, what can we say about the Wonder Woman movie?

And that’s the Wonder Woman film. It doesn’t come across almost as dark as the previous DCEU movies, and for that, I’m grateful.

Meanwhile, Gadot also shared her feelings about doing the movie. She explained: “Many times, it (filming the movie) felt like we got signs from the universe”. After Batman v. Superman we have probably learnt a lesson that even stories involving legendary heroes may not turn out to be so great.

Some of the directors include Ben Affleck, who will be directing the Batman solo film and Patty Jenkins, the director of Wonder Woman.

The actress also dropped hints regarding the plot of her upcoming movie.

“That describes this Diana”, Gadot said. “When she left…to go to the world of men, she realizes there is so much more that she doesn’t understand”.


Set in World War Two, Diana of Themyscira finds a man washed up on the shores of her island and is charged with taking him back to the world of men. “I think only a woman, who has been a girl, can be able to tell the story in the right way”.
