
Bernie Sanders Helps Make Hillary Clinton the Democratic Nominee

“She had big blond hair and big glasses”, he said, amusingly.


“This woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything”.

“I married my best friend”, he said.

After getting off to a rocky start yesterday as Bernie Sanders’ supporters vented their frustrations, the Democratic National Convention has calmed down considerably on Tuesday, due in large part to the fact that Sanders was able to speak to his delegates for over half an hour from the main stage last night.

“Madam chair, I move that the convention suspend procedural rules”.

Bernie Sanders moved that Clinton be selected as the nominee by acclamation.

“On behalf of all the women, I proudly place Hillary’s Clinton’s name in nomination to be the next president”, Mikulski said to great applause.

“It’s pretty exciting… she’s the best”.

There have been millions of words, decades of video and reams of commentary devoted to the story of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The roll call of states was one more opportunity for Sanders supporters to voice their fierce loyalty to the Vermont senator.

They chanted, “This is what Democracy looks like”.

Elsewhere in the hall, a Sanders delegate from Nevada was escorted out of the hall, yelling “Nevada was rigged”.

Little mainstream media attention is being given to the radical abortion position now being espoused by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

But Bill Clinton took a veiled swipe at Trump and his vision for change, and congratulated Democratic delegates for nominating “the real” Hillary, not the “cartoon” version portrayed by Republicans.

“Eight years ago, our party nominated and elected the first person of color to ever serve in the White House not just for one, but two terms”, said U.S. Rep. John Lewis, the civil rights leader from Georgia as he placed Mrs. Clinton’s name into consideration.

He focused also on the birth of their daughter Chelsea, and when he and Ms Clinton took her to college.

Despite Sanders calling on his flock to get behind Clinton, his self-styled “political revolution” appears to have transformed into a revolt. “I guess she didn’t do very well”, Trump said.

The history of the moment was referenced often by delegates. While aides have said he will not get a Cabinet post or a seat in the Situation Room should his wife win, Clinton has made clear that her closest adviser will remain involved with her administration, saying he’d likely have a role in managing the nation’s economy. “And I’ll remember it that way”.

Indeed, Clinton’s long political resume – secretary of state, senator, first lady – has sometimes seemed an odd fit for an electorate deeply frustrated with Washington and eager to rally around unconventional candidates like Trump and Sanders.

“It means a lot for me personally”, Soucy told CNN.

Still, Hillary Clinton sees her husband as an asset. “Tonight we will make history, about 100 years in the making”, said Karen Finney, a senior adviser for Clinton’s campaign.

“He’s such a good man”, she said. “It’s a generational thing for me”. “I was still in awe of… how smart and strong and loving a caring she was”.

It was an emotional night for delegates. A survivor of the September 11, 2001, attacks spoke of her recovery.


The moment will not be without controversy: Philadelphia’s police union complained that Clinton was showcasing killings by police without giving equal time to the families of fallen officers. “Walkout! Walkout!” As the program continued, most of the seats in delegations from Maine, Kansas, Alaska and Oklahoma – all states Sanders won against Clinton – were empty.

Bill Clinton speaks at DNC