
Donald Trump Speaks At VFW Convention A Day After Hillary Clinton

“One thing for certain you will not ever hear from me is praise for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America”, she said. “I know that it takes a little getting used to, even for me”.


“The VA scandals that have occurred are widespread and totally inexcusable”, Trump said at the event.

“We are going to take care of veterans like never before”, Trump promised the gathering of roughly 7,000 veterans and their family members, who seemed much more energetic during Trump’s speech than Clinton’s.

The GOP nominee went on to explain that he would tell his staff to flag unaddressed “valid complaints” and that he will “pick up the phone personally and get it completed”.

Another vet, Rick Johnson, said, “Donald Trump says he is going to do a lot for the military and we’re going to hold him to his word”.

Fourth, Trump will “appoint a commission to investigate all of the wrongdoing at the VA – of which there is plenty – and then report those findings to Congress as the basis for reforming the entire system”. The crowd was noticeably more energetic and enthusiastic for Trump. They argue that closing [Veterans Health Administration] is the “bold transformation” veterans and families need, want, and deserve.

“This is the tough part”.

In his 20-minute speech, Trump said it is time for government to start working for people again. “We can’t fix a rigged system by electing people who rigged it in the first place”.

Trump also proposed setting up an incentive program where employees will be rewarded for “saving money and improving the quality of care”.

Eight: Our visa programs will be reformed to ensure that veterans are put in the front of the line for jobs in the country they fought to protect.

Many veterans in the convention center stood and applauded Trump’s plan to dramatically curb immigration from countries around the world that have struggled with domestic terrorism.

But in a letter earlier this month, the VFW and 25 other veterans service organizations, including the Disabled Veterans of America, the Vietnam Veterans of America, and the Paralyzed Veterans of America, opposed plans to privatize veterans’ health care, reports. “But veterans will have the right to see a private doctor or clinic of their choice …”

For example, McDonald said the number of homeless veterans nationwide has decreased by more than a third – 36 percent – since 2000, with two unnamed states “effectively” ending the problem and Los Angeles reporting particularly strong declines. He appeared bothered when talking about veterans dying while waiting for treatment.

“Our debt to you is eternal”, Trump said to the veterans, shortly after his introduction around 9:40 a.m.

Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Tuesday morning, Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, both criticized Democrats for not focusing on groups like ISIS during their convention’s opening night. “I’m not interested in insulting people, including our military”.


Clinton said Kaine’s son is a marine, deploying today.

Hillary Clinton speaks to thousands at VFW convention in Charlotte