
Leaked Emails Say DNC Wanted to Expose Bernie Sanders as Atheist

“I want to see that incorporated into the Democratic Party, and I don’t believe that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the person to be able to do that”.


“I stand with my Democratic family in making sure we win this fall”, said Maine lawmaker Diane Russell, a Sanders supporter.

“They rigged the system to protect Hillary Clinton, and Senator Feingold should have called on her to condemn this”, Garrett said.

It’s become a bit easier for Hillary Clinton to formally claim the nomination at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

“If I had been chair, they would have been fired within five minutes”, McAuliffe said, although he expressed sympathy for Wasserman Schultz, noting that he had a drink with her Sunday night. Others at the meeting cheered and clapped for Wasserman Schultz, who is stepping down over the email controversy. “Period”, Sanders told ABC’s “This Week”.

Sanders, who has endorsed Clinton and will speak on her behalf to the convention on Monday, said he would have preferred she pick US Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA, a favourite of the party’s liberal wing, as her No. 2.

The DNC Rules Committee has named Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, as permanent chair of the convention, according to a DNC source.

The Florida congresswoman’s resignation – under pressure from top Democrats – comes amid hackers’ release of emails that show DNC staffers favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the party’s 2016 nominating contest.

Sanders took the same approach, turning again and again to small donors online to propel him deep into the primary. At one point, DNC officials discussed bringing up the issue of whether Sanders was an “atheist”. Mr Sanders’ supporters say they are concerned that Kaine is not progressive enough, the AP said.

Bernie Sanders on Monday readied a simple message to his backers at the Democratic National Convention: Unite behind Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in November. I look forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory.

Clinton has had a long-standing relationship with the DNC and Schultz. “These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process”.

The boos and shouts ran for the entirety of Wasserman Schultz’s remarks as she trudged through her address emphasizing that Florida will be the biggest battleground in this year’s race for the White House; and as she embraced Tant before walking off stage.


At least one national opinion poll showed Trump benefiting from a convention “bump” and pulling just ahead of Clinton, having lagged her for months. It also sapped some of her energy coming out of Republican Donald Trump’s chaotic convention last week and the well-received rollout Saturday of her running mate, Virginia Sen. “And I think we need a new chair who is going to lead us in a very different direction”. In some good news for Clinton, The New York Times reported that businessman and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will endorse her in a prime-time speech on Monday, saying she will be the best choice for moderate voters in 2016.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz