
Cruz throws a wrench in Trump’s convention

Cruz, who ran against Trump in the GOP primary, was booed off the convention stage Wednesday night after declining to endorse his party’s nominee.


Cruz said he had been very clear about his intention to the Trump campaign, even telling Trump he would not endorse him in a conversation before the convention and letting the campaign read his speech hours before it was delivered.

“All right, that was pretty well-orchestrated”, he said.

His comments came at a breakfast for the IN delegation to the convention and were part of a chorus of criticism from GOP officials. Cruz criticized Trump for involving his wife; Trump’s rebuttal at the time was to accuse a Super PAC affiliated with Cruz of sending a risque photo of Melania Trump to Utah voters.

A former colleague of Ted Cruz’s once told me that the one unforgivable sin in the Texas senator’s mind is to insult or demean Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz’s father.

“That (pledge) was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi, that I’m going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say, “thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father”, Mr Cruz said.

Trump, again dubbing himself the “law and order” candidate, called on supporters of former Democratic presidential hopeful and Vermont Sen.

“‘Americanism, Not Globalism’ will be our credo”, said Trump, whose rise has jolted the American political system.

Donald Trump has accepted the Republican nomination for president, promising anxious Americans that they will be safer and richer if he is elected in November. “I don’t need his endorsement”.

“He offered no real solutions to help working families get ahead or to keep our country safe, just more prejudice and paranoia”, he said.

Donald Trump declared he would save America from “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” in a marathon speech he hopes will propel him into the White House.

He will say middle-income Americans and businesses will enjoy tax cuts and taxes will be simplified for everyone.

Ivanka Trump has always been discussed as a possible candidate and has not ruled out the possibility of seeking office.

Yet, on the final night of the convention, Republicans gave Trump a standing ovation as he pledged to take back a country that he said is plagued by crime, terrorism and ineffective leadership.

Democrats will formally nominate Clinton at their convention next week in Philadelphia.

The only element that appears to have completely united all the party’s disparate factions has been their determination to defeat Clinton, whom he targeted with fierce denunciations in his July 21 speech.

Her star turn in Cleveland was one of the top trending topics on Twitter late on Thursday, with about 121 tweets mentioning her name posted every minute.


Mr Trump was trailing Mrs Clinton in many opinion polls after a bruising Republican primary season.

Ted Cruz on RNC speech: Won't back those 'who attack my wife and attack my father'