
Email leak hurts Wasserman Schultz as she seeks re-election

At the Republican convention, Trump cast himself as the law-and-order candidate in a nation suffering under crime and hobbled by immigration, sticking to the gloom-and-doom theme.


Speaking to ABC News’ Jonathan Karl after the breakfast, Alexander defended the outburst by him and others, pointing to the recently leaked Democratic National Committee emails as evidence that Wasserman Schultz and other DNC officials actively worked against Bernie Sanders in their official roles.

Bob Graham followed Booker, and a few minutes into his short address he gave a shout out of encouragement to the beleaguered Wasserman Schultz, who is engaged in a competitive primary election next month against FIU professor Tim Canova.

“Debbie. Washerman. Schultz”, Trump told his supporters, adding dramatic pauses. Once the dust settles – and if she manages to survive this week’s Philadelphia convention without causing anymore damage – “DWS” is likely to have the resources necessary to mount a formidable campaign at home, and retain an influential voice in Congress. But she just got fired. Although each of these resolutions received enough votes to bring a debate to the floor, Iarrapino said Sanders backers chose not to debate any of them.

One person who is prepared and qualified to lead the greatest country in the world and another who is ignorant, ill-tempered answers off the cuff to important questions, and is interested in one thing and one thing only – winning.

“Some people are understanding right now that step one in continuing the political revolution is stopping Donald Trump and electing Hillary Clinton”, Rickman said in a telephone interview. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., while attacking presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s choice of Virginia Sen. But during a delegation breakfast Monday in Philadelphia, she could hardly get a word in edgewise.

Still, many Sanders supporters were not satisfied.

Crowd members prove to be ruthless in their booing even as Wasserman asked the audience to join her in acknowledging a tragic shooting in Fort Myers, Florida yesterday, in which two people were killed.

But the Manhattan real estate developer saved some of his most pointed barbs for Clinton. “Her instincts are defective”, he told his supporters. The source said, however, that she won’t be paid for her appearances.

The first time Clinton was mentioned during the convention was during the invocation, and while there was a round of cheers, there was also a burst of “Bernie!” chanting that lasted about 20 seconds.

Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and e-mails yet (can you believe).


“We don’t need any distractions at this point”, Feingold told reporters after a downtown Madison rally marking the start of early voting in Wisconsin’s August 9 primary. No naps for Trump! “Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as party chair at the end of this convention”.

Debbie Wassermann Schultz is resigning as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.                      SNN