
Trump’s new derisive nickname for Clinton: ‘Rotten’

The Democratic National Committee’s rules panel has decided that Rep. Marcia Fudge of OH will preside over convention sessions beginning Monday. Another 32% don’t know enough to say or haven’t heard of her.


“Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary’s orchestrated collusion cheated thousands of honest Americans, who have invested enormous amounts of money and personal time for real change”, said one of the marchers, Dan Haggerty, 54, an electrician from California.

Indeed, the convention featured young immigrants speaking of their love for America and labor leaders backing Democratic economic policies.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign scrambled to extinguish a political firestorm over embarrassing hacked emails Monday, hoping a high-wattage line-up of speakers, including first lady Michelle Obama and liberal favorite Bernie Sanders, would overshadow party infighting on the Democratic convention’s opening night.

On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton hopes her gathering in Philadelphia will show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership.

They’ll appear at public rallies and smaller events.

Delegates say they also believe the convention will draw a contrast between Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump.

In a joint interview with Kaine, Clinton told “60 Minutes Sunday” that she won’t engage in “that kind of insult-fest” and that she prefers to talk about Trump’s record.

“A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”, it said. “And look, most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade”.

Clinton made the call to Kaine at roughly 7:30 p.m. Friday evening to offer the former Virginia Governor an opportunity to be her running mate in the presidential race. Others said they simply couldn’t support Clinton.

“What a mess they have going”, said Trump.

New running mates Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine will hit the road for a 3-day bus tour through Pennsylvania and OH after the Democratic National Convention, according to a campaign aide. Well, sort of. On the issue of the Republican National Convention’s anti-Hillary theme, Kaine, who oozes positivity, said, “When I see this, you know, ‘Crooked Hillary, ‘ or I see the, ‘Lock her up, ‘ it’s just ridiculous”.

A fellow parishoner, left of St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Va. greets Sen. He was joking about how Hillary doesn’t use her maiden name “Rodham” on the campaign trail anymore, but made a very mean play on words about it. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and offered tepid praise of her choice of Sen.

Wasserman Schultz has been a lightning rod throughout the presidential campaign for criticism from the party’s more liberal wing, with Sanders repeatedly accusing the national party of favoring Clinton despite officially being neutral.

In one leaked email, a DNC official wondered whether Sanders’ religious beliefs could be used against him, questioning whether the candidate may be an atheist.

Emails posted to the website Wikileaks show that at least some DNC officials were looking at ways to undercut Sanders’ campaign, including questioning his religious beliefs.


As Sanders spoke, Wasserman Schultz announced she would not gavel in the convention, recognition that her presence onstage would only showcase Democrats’ deep divisions.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine D-Va. talks with friends as he arrives for breakfast at a diner in Richmond Va. Tuesday