
Virgin Money Holdings (UK) PLC 24.3% Potential Upside Indicated by Barclays Capital

The company’s stock had a trading volume of 287,271 shares. The 52 week high Capital & Counties Properties’s shares have peaked at is 474.6 whilst the 52 week low for the company’s shares is 257.2. The stock’s market cap is GBX 17.07 billion.


Virgin Money Holdings (UK) PLC LON:VM has a 50 day moving average of 298.86 GBX and the 200 Day Moving Average price is recorded at 344.98 GBX.

In related news, insider Lynas, Peter sold 11,691 shares of BAE Systems plc stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, June 17th. With the last stock price down 5.71% relative to the two hundred day average, compared to the S&P 500 Index which has increased 0.00% over the same period. The Company’s products are used in smartphones, oil and gas equipment, medical devices, aeroplanes and cars. The shares were purchased at an average cost of GBX 490 ($6.50) per share, with a total value of £1,185.80 ($1,572.47).

Several analysts recently weighed in on the company.

Following an update released by analysts at Peel Hunt on Tuesday the broker has now set a “Buy” rating on shares of Victrex PLC (LON:VCT) with a price target of 1900. FinnCap restated a “buy” rating and issued a GBX 1,615 ($21.42) price objective on shares of Staffline Group Plc in a report on Wednesday. BNP Paribas reissued an “outperform” rating and issued a GBX 541 ($7.17) target price on shares of BAE Systems plc in a research note on Monday, June 27th. The Company’s operating segments include the provision of temporary staff to customers and the provision of welfare to work and other training services (Employability).

The broker said it has now set a “Underperform” rating on shares of Capital & Counties Properties with a price target of 250.


Standard Life Plc (LON:SL) had its price objective cut by Royal Bank Of Canada from GBX 300 ($3.98) to GBX 270 ($3.58) in a research report issued on Wednesday.

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