
Several NC delegates for Bernie Sanders walk out of convention in protest

Capping almost a quarter century in public life as first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state, Clinton will become the party’s standard-bearer against Republican nominee Donald Trump in the November 8 election when she accepts the nomination on Thursday. Two names were placed in nomination, those of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.


The unhappiest among his followers filed out, occupied a media tent and staged a sit-in, some with tape on their mouths to signify their silencing by the party. This is moussaka, because of course Greece has been in the news a lot this year, and not necessarily for good reasons, but what can I say, we are a moussaka family! “We were treated like lepers”.

Clinton’s landmark achievement saturated the roll call with emotion and symbols of women’s long struggle to break through political barriers. The traditional roll call ensued, with each delegation proudly proclaiming the singular virtues of its home state – and eventually reporting the tally of delegate votes for each contender. Jerry Emmett, a 102-year-old woman born before women had the right to vote, cast the ballots for Arizona.

As Hillary Clinton herself has said: “I am not a natural politician, in case you haven’t noticed, like my husband or President Obama”. “This is the culmination of a career and a personal life”.

“What an incredible honor that you have given me, and I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet”, Clinton said via satellite after a video montage showed the faces of all 44 male presidents before shattering like glass to reveal Clinton waiting to address the convention from NY.

His vice president, Joe Biden, also addresses the convention on Wednesday, in a reminder to some Democrats that the candidate they wanted this year was the one they couldn’t have.

As polished an orator as he is, he’s got a tough act to follow, after a memorable speech from his wife, Michelle.

Clinton was hailed as a heroine of 9/11 by first responders and survivors during her time as a NY senator. “When I needed her, she was there”, said Lauren Manning, a 9/11 survivor. Also, he adds, pointing out that the moussaka is made with cashew cheese, “I’m really hoping I can use my new role to introduce ordinary Americans to non-dairy cheese”.

Clinton speaks during day three of the Democratic National Convention at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado, Aug. 27, 2008.

The president was the first step in a transition that Hillary is going to have to continue if she is elected.

Bill Clinton told the convention in a keynote speech that Hillary had been an activist for social justice since the couple’s early days as law students together.

The portrait was missing some strokes.

Seeking to explain the vastly different perceptions of his wife, Mr Clinton said simply: “One is real, the other is made up”. And, touching on the shootings of black men by police and by the killings of police officers, he envisioned a future “where nobody’s afraid to walk outside”.

This, despite a rocky and divisive start to a party convention whose national chair was ousted earlier in the week following an email scandal that showed the odds were always in Hillary Clinton’s favor at the Democratic National Committee. But he had his hands full trying to get his supporters to swing behind Clinton or even tolerate the idea of her presidential candidacy.

Sections of the convention hall were left conspicuously unpopulated on Tuesday night as delegates from strongly pro-Sanders delegations, including California, walked out after Sanders moved that Clinton be named the nominee.


At Trump’s convention last week, Hillary Clinton was the target of blistering criticism of her character and judgment, a sharp contrast to the warm and passionate woman described by her husband.

Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman casts Connecticut's vote