
Ivanka Trump’s dress a top seller

“Great work! #RNC#RNCinCLE”, Trump wrote.


Meanwhile, not everyone shares Ivanka Trump’s perspective when it comes to her father.

The media verdict is in: Trump sure sounded presidential on the final night of the Republican National Convention – Ivanka Trump, that is. Here at The Fix, Chris Cillizza declared in April that “Donald Trump isn’t even the best presidential candidate in his family”.

Donald Trump’s elder daughter took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Thursday, July 21, and delivered the most memorable (and least controversial) speech to come from the extensive Trump brood.

On the campaign, Ivanka Trump, who grew up playing in her father’s office, is his most influential adviser, his de facto first lady in waiting and his character foil: the cautious, measured power behind the striving, showy candidate.

Trump launched her brand in 2007 with a jewelry line and has since expanded to include shoes, handbags, dresses and other apparel for the professional woman.

“The Trump brand also has a more feminine side – the Ivanka Trump brand”.

“My father has created an enormous business and he’s created an enormous brand for himself, and I’m contributing to the business that he’s built every day at The Trump Organization”, she told Business Insider. “There have always been men of all backgrounds on my father’s job sites”, she said.

Of her father, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump says that they do have disagreements, including in politics.

The 34-year-old wore her own design Thursday night while introducing her father, who accepted the Republican nomination.


Ivanka Trump was a big hit among the delegates.

The real estate mogul's eldest daughter was poised and polished in a fetching pink sheath