
Lena Dunham, America Ferrera slam Donald Trump at DNC

It was a history-making day Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention, as Hillary Clinton officially became the first woman nominated for USA president by a major party, and her husband closed the evening by speaking about the real woman versus the “made-up” version he said Republicans presented.


“And President Obama isn’t Kenyan, Lena, but that doesn’t stop Donald”, Ferrera fired back.

Dunham, who sends out a weekly feminist newsletter called Lenny Letter, said that Trump would set women’s rights back to a time when women were meant to be “beautiful but silent”.

“And we feel the same way”, Ferrera continued.

The award-winning producer-director called out the GOP presidential candidate and real-estate mogul Donald Trump, for his orthodox views on women’s rights. “We have to fight hatred of all kinds and not ignite it for the craven objective of seeking power”, Dunham said. “He keeps trying to make me great again”, Ferrera joked.

Celebrity highlights on the convention stage Tuesday include Meryl Streep, “Pitch Perfect” actress Elizabeth Banks, “Scandal” co-star Tony Goldwyn, “Girls” creator Lena Dunham and “Superstore” actress America Ferrera.

Ferrera, who said she is the “proud” child of Honduran immigrants who occasionally needed a free meal to get through the school day, said she is “profoundly grateful” for the access and opportunity that exists in the U.S.

Ferrera said she’s fared better with Trump: “He’s talked a lot about America”. Not our color, gender, or economic status, but our capacity to grow into thriving adults able to contribute great things to this country.

“Women are going to be the reason you’re not elected to be president”, she said of Trump.

Closing with Trump’s controversial remark that Clinton had only been successful by playing “the woman card”, Dunham and Ferrera concluded with what has become the Democratic nominee’s anthem on the stump.

But America, you’re not Mexican. But I also remembered when Hillary so gracefully stood on that stage, as Bernie Sanders did, saying we can’t afford to be divided in this house-we need to come together.

“We’re with Hillary”, they both declared, making the case for Clinton and the work she’s done for immigrants and women. “Schilling criticizes the lack of paid leave offered to new mothers in the United States and says, “[There’s] no family leave like literally every other developed nation in this world”.


The actress produced a version of Rachel Platten’s Fight Song which featured actors and musicians singing their support for Hillary Clinton. “We’re everywhere! And Hillary Clinton knows this”, Banks said.

Dunham Ferrara