
Clinton surrogate and friend: Bernie voters will end up moving to Hillary

As disruptions of the Democratic National Convention by Bernie Sanders supporters continue to gradually peter out on the convention floor, a contingent of Bernie die-hards continues to fight the “Bernie or Bust” fight, but you’d never know it unless you were there.


And given that Americans have for decades had a closeup view of the Clintons (complete with their dirty laundry), Bill Clinton had to tell people something they didn’t know. It was a policy-driven ode to the “best darn change-maker I have ever met”.

“I’ve already told my husband that if I’m so fortunate enough to be president and he will be the first gentleman, I expect him to go to work to make sure we get those jobs growing and incomes rising”, she said at a campaign event in May in Paducah, Kentucky, ahead of the state’s primary. “You could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one. and somehow, some way, she will have made it better”. In this narrative, it was other people who were constantly saying she had political potential, not Clinton herself.

Wednesday the convention will offer a more political, less personal case for her election.

Hillary Clinton formally captured the Democratic nomination and declared the glass ceiling keeping women from the presidency cracked and almost shattered. She was born before women won the right to vote in 1920, and remembered her mother casting a ballot for the first time.

Clinton became the first woman to win a major-party nomination at 6:56 p.m. She added she is not anxious about recent polls showing that Donald Trump has a lead over the democratic candidate.

The former President slammed those negative perceptions as distortions from Republicans after rattling off her biographical high points.

“How does this square with the things that you heard at the Republican convention?”.

And Mr. Sanders himself, who has given Mrs. Clinton his full backing, has not been able to sway many of his left-wing supporters who say while he once led the movement, it’s taken on a life of its own.

“Your only option is to create a cartoon, a cartoon alternative”.

Some Sanders supporters say they’ll be leaving the Democratic Party, but Brown said staying involved will “make a bigger impact”.

“Earlier today you nominated the real one”, he said to huge cheers. “That leader is Hillary Clinton”, said Klobuchar.

“What I know about Hillary is how hard she worked”. I hope you’ll do it.

“Are you ready to elect the first woman president of the United States?” asked California Sen. The anchor of the program will be President Barack Obama in the most-watched 10 p.m. EDT hour.

“In an election cycle where people are tired of the establishment, it’s a smart move to make the case that she never sought to join it”, she said.


Around 7 p.m., after Sanders rose from amid the Vermont delegation and said, “I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States”, the roll call was finished.

Hillary Clinton supporters from Arkansas cheer during the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia