
Obama boosts Clinton; Trump talks emails and Russia

Biden, who himself toyed with a presidential run previous year, plans to offer an economic argument for a Hillary Clinton presidency during his speech ahead of Obama?Wednesday night. “According to Donald Trump, my body is probably like, a “2′”, actress Lena Dunham said”.


That’s a tactic Obama himself employed during his first campaign appearance with Clinton in July, steadfastly avoiding naming the Republican nominee who he insists will not become president. She was born before women won the right to vote in 1920, and remembered her mother casting a ballot for the first time.

Trump said Wednesday at a press conference in Doral, Florida, “Russia has no respect for our country, if it is Russia”. And during a speech past year, Trump said of oil supplies that are controlled by the group: “I would bomb the s– out of them”. He added: “I’d blow up every single inch, there would be nothing left”.

Wednesday night’s Democratic session will include nods to the past and the possible future. Overall, hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by the parties, candidates and outside groups on House races.

Obama will speak at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night.

With his last State of the Union address behind him, Obama’s speech in Philadelphia will be one of his final opportunities to define and defend his tenure with a massive audience watching. Biden tells MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the party has done “the right thing” for those voters, but “hasn’t spoken enough” to them.

“We’ve been consumed with crisis after crisis after crisis”, he said. “What they know is he’s incredibly smart, he’s incredibly genuine, and nobody knows how Washington works better than Joe Biden”.

Trump’s extraordinary comments raised the specter of whether he was condoning foreign government hacking of USA computers and the public release of information stolen from political adversaries – actions that are at least publicly frowned upon across the globe. Longtime watchers of Virginia politics say the question during much of Kaine’s career there has actually been whether Kaine is too liberal for their state.

Referring to Trump’s recent comments that he might not defend America’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies if they were under attack, Biden said the GOP nominee is “playing directly into the hands of a guy (Putin) who says his overarching goal is to break up North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and fracture Europe”.

Obama and Trump have an unusually acrimonious personal history for a president and one of his potential successors. Barack Obama needed to add foreign policy heft and an experienced political hand to his ticket, the IL senator looked to the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who was 19 years his senior. Obama tells NBC’s “Today Show” that Trump “doesn’t seem to have any plans or policies or proposals or specific solutions”. Asked about Trump’s remarks that he alone could fix the country’s problems, Obama said: “That’s not how our founders designed our system. We’re not a government where some strong man orders people around and banishes enemies”. “Turning more serious, he said the president is aware of the importance of the speech he will give Wednesday night”. Biden tells ABC’s “Good Morning America” that adversaries of the USA think it’s better to have someone “who doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing” in the White House than have somebody “as tough as Hillary”. He said Putin doesn’t want to see a united North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or a united European Union.

With about 1.8 million workers – security guards, custodians, nurses – the SEIU is a major donor to Democrats, and has spearheaded the “Fight for 15” movement that has succeeded in pushing through higher minimum wages across the country – and made the cause part of the Democratic Party platform. But he said the leak is consistent with Russia’s past conduct. But it also came with a warning: That last glass ceiling isn’t shattered yet and Republican Donald Trump is a formidable foe. Biden criticized Trump for wanting to break up US alliances with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries. It’s a lovefest now.


“She’s a natural leader, she’s a good organizer, and she’s the best darn change-maker I’ve ever met in my entire life”, he added.

Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at Trump National Doral