
Where Donald Trump Went Off-Script

That year Al Gore and George W. Bush both boosted their numbers by an identical 8 points post-convention before ultimately battling all the way to the Supreme Court.


“The American people are not falling for it. We’ve seen this ugliness before and we are not going to be Donald Trump’s hate filled America, not now, not ever”, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, said in her key note address to the convention.

“We are also planning to organise a mega Bollywood fund-raiser event in the USA for victims of terror in the U.S. and around the world which will serve as a forum to reach out to Indian American supporters and donors for Trump’s presidential bid”, Kumar said adding that the RHC also plans high-profile events to raise funds and rally support among the Indian American community especially in battleground states such as New Jersey, Florida, Ohio and Iowa.

During these remarks, Clinton – who was greeted with a polite, but perhaps tepid, response from the crowd – did not specifically mention her Republican opponent Donald Trump, but also didn’t shy away from taking jabs at him. Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 9 percent nationally and the Green Party’s Jill Stein is at 3 percent.

The fact that there was no surprise last-minute manipulation to deny Trump the candidacy was a relief to many, because it is clear that the Republican Party is somewhat ambivalent about Trump, and the feeling is mutual.

The terms “Donald”, “Trump” or “Donald Trump” appeared in an ABC News transcript of the DNC 138 times unique times on Monday, including references to the Republican nominee as well as buildings, the university named for Trump and even the businessman’s line of steaks. Trump has been echoing that theme for weeks, making appeals to disenchanted Sanders supporters. He now holds double-digit margins over Clinton as more trusted on the economy and terrorism.

Trump said his plan also includes increasing the number of facilities to help vets with mental health issues and setting up a hotline in the White House where any veteran with problems can call in and talk to someone. There were 52% of the poll respondents who said that he is running for president for the good of the country rather than his own personal gain.

Forty-three percent of respondents said they hold a favorable view of Trump and 52 percent said they hold an unfavorable view of Trump. The convention itself may have played a role: more than half of voters – 53 percent – said they listened to a lot or some of the convention.

Dr. Ben Carson, the most prominent Black speaker on the roster likened Hillary Clinton to Lucifer based on her affinity for Saul Alinsky, a Democratic socialist writer, whose book, Rules for Radicals, references Lucifer on the dedication page.

In a 2-way head-to-head, Trump leads Clinton 48% to 45%.

“Vindication of what the Trump campaign and what the RNC have been saying for a while”, LaCivita told Bloomberg Politics.

“What’s happening inside that building is a total show, meaningless, ” said Tom Barraza, 49, a California electrical engineer, motioning toward the hulking Democratic headquarters at Wells Fargo Center. Just 42 percent say they are more likely to vote for Trump after the convention.

“Nobody knows the system better than me”.

They might, however, bring up a more recent Obama priority: using federal resources to encourage schools to integrate.

The warnings proved effective at the Republican convention.

The Trump campaign has claimed the visceral negative reaction to Cruz reflected the unity the party feels behind Trump himself. But the poll suggests a large share of Republican voters still need to be won over.

CNN/ORC survey’s was conducted between July 22-24.


A new CBS Poll has Trump leading Clinton 44%-43%.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the 117th National Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte Monday