
Unemployment up slightly from May

There were notable job losses in professional and business services (-2,300); and manufacturing (-1,300).


Most industries have posted job gains between 100 and 1,000 positions over the past year. Indiana, with roughly half of Illinois’ population, has added 77,000 manufacturing jobs since 2010; IL just 20,000.

The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained at 4.2% in June, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development reported last week.

According to the BLS, Wentzville had the lowest May unemployment rate among the county’s larger cities with 2.5 percent.

Non-seasonally adjusted data, which reflects seasonal influences such as holiday and summer hiring, is the most valid comparison of year-to-year data of the same month, for example, comparing the unemployment rate from June 2015 with June 2016. The state’s unemployment rate has averaged 5.6 percent for the first six months of 2016.

Holyoke: 6.8 percent, up from 6.1 percent in May, but down from 8.4 percent in June 2015. But that was up from 4.1 percent in May.

Total nonfarm employment in June was 220 more than one year before, a gain of 2.1 percent.

If you include all these, you get a higher rate: 9.6% underemployment in June, according to the Labor Department.

Both Dodge and Freeborn counties saw a. 8 percent increase in unemployment rate during the May-to-June period.

The county’s current jobless rate ranks it 23rd out of 62 NY state counties. Saratoga County was second best, behind Columbia County, at 3.4 percent. The U.S. economy has been steadily recovering from the Great Recession, when the national unemployment rate hit a 10.0% peak in October 2009.

State Labor Analyst Tammy Marino says historically, that is a relatively low unemployment rate.

Or maybe some of these new workers are moving to OR from other states, searching for improved job prospects.


Persons employed part-time for economic reasons are those “who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule”.

June Unemployment Rate at Licking County Ohio Scales Up