
Sarah Silverman at DNC chides Sanders supporters: ‘You’re being ridiculous’

While the democrats continue to struggle for unity at the Democratic National Convention, Sarah Silverman tried to bring the party together and rally behind Democratic Nominee, Hillary Clinton.


Democratic divisions ripped into the open over the weekend just as the convention began as leaked emails emerged showing Democratic National Committee leaders displaying hostility toward Sanders. Facing a divided crowd, Silverman and Al Franken returned to the stage to address the unrest. Her speech was all about how Bernie Sanders’ campaign was progressive and that she still stood behind him much more than she originally stood behind Clinton.

The crowd, of course, cheered wildly. Silverman was one of a handful of prominent Sanders supporters to step up to the podium and say she’ll “vote for Hillary with gusto” this fall.

Hillary heard the passion of people, the people behind Bernie.

“To the Bernie-or-bust people, you’re being ridiculous”, an obviously irritated Silverman said. The crowd erupted. Most of the reaction was supportive, but a vocal minority continued to make their opinions known.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: Sarah Silverman, of the great state of New Hampshire, to dismiss her as a comedian speaking to this convention would, I think, dismiss the potential of a real moment there. Then she lost her patience.

“By these measures, any objective observer will conclude that…Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States”. Mentions of Sanders by Silverman in remarks of her own got big big cheers from the floor as did her praise of Clinton AKA a “certain kickass woman”. Almost each speaker before and after, even the likes of Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren, endured a round of jeers when their speech pivoted from principles to promoting the Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate.

It was also announced on Monday that the party will reform its primary process in response to complaints from Sanders supporters over the delegate system and transparency.


In the end, though, Franken offered Clinton a honest endorsement, saying Americans should cast their vote for a person who has “spent her entire life working to get important things done for the American people” instead of “someone who’s never done anything for anyone other than himself”.

Sarah Silverman’s attempt to endorse Hillary just blew up in her face