
Joe Biden’s DNC speech shows he should have run for prez — LUPICA

“What I think is scary is a president who doesn’t know their stuff and doesn’t seem to have interest in learning what they don’t know”, Obama told NBC News – “basic knowledge about the world or what a nuclear triad is or where various countries are or the difference between Sunni and Shia in the Muslim world”.


“The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity”.

The President will acknowledge the “real anxieties” many people have about paying the bills, protecting their kids and terror attacks in places like Orlando and Nice. “We get frustrated with political gridlock, worry about racial divisions; are shocked and saddened by the madness of Orlando or Nice”. “Joe, thank you & Jill for all you’ve done for this country”.

“Nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the Oval Office”, Obama said.

In contrast, Biden said about Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton that she “understands” the plight of parents who can not afford to send their child to college or the wife fearful that a medical emergency will cause economic catastrophe, NBC News noted.

Kaine gained points with steadfast supporters of Bernie Sanders by acknowledging his movement and campaign. “Tonight I’m announcing a new national effort to get it done”, the president said.

Al Jazeera correspondent Kimberly Halkett said the Democratic Party was able “to pivot” and attack Trump on his request for Russian Federation to hack Clinton’s emails.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Vice Presidential nominee Sen.

“He tries to tell us he cares about the middle class”, the vice president said.

“I love Joe Biden”, said Tammie Lewis, a MI delegate.

He said Clinton would approve bad trade deals and allow possibly risky immigrants from the Middle East to flood the country.

The crowd roared with approval, chanting “not a clue”. Biden criticized Trump as the least prepared candidate for president in history.

But after a few jabs, Biden refocused the group for a final blow. And on a night revolving around Clinton’s national security experience, Obama said Clinton was ready to lead America’s military.

She knows their dream is quintessentially American, and the American Dream is something no wall will ever contain”.

Eventually, Biden turned to praising Hillary Clinton saying, “Everybody knows she’s smart”. “That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire”.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, meanwhile, said he was not a Democrat or a Republican but appeared at the convention to demolish his fellow billionaire’s reputation in business.

In his speech to the Democratic convention, businessman and former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg said people needed to unite to defeat Trump, who he called a “dangerous demagogue”. The former secretary of State appeared via video from NY to thank delegates for their support and urge them to fight for her and their party in the grueling, three-month election season that lies ahead.

Though Obama’s speech was often fiery, it also included some lighter moments, like when he made a joke about his grandparents’ birth certificates – a sly reference to the “birtherism” championed by Trump. “And we can’t afford to make that choice!”

The DNC started on Tuesday night.

“Our nation is too great to put it in the hands of a slick-talking, empty-promising, self-promoting, one-man wrecking crew”, Kaine said. We endure, we overcome and we always, always move forward.

Kaine said his son would “protect and defend the very North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies that Donald Trump now says he wants to abandon”.

Kaine made a case that Americans should trust Clinton. This was a kind of ending for him, as much as he plans to stump for Hillary Clinton over the next weeks and months.

The vice president has a point, as Trump is the first person to become the presidential nominee for a major political party in the USA who has not held elected office since Dwight D. Eisenhower. And he spoke of the scare tactics of the other party, heard constantly last week in Cleveland, and not just from Donald Trump.

The night’s underlying theme was security — national security, economic security and safety from gun crime. “Our greatness does not depend on Donald Trump”.

“It is the nature of democracy that until those votes are cast and the American people have their say, we don’t know”, Obama said of Trump’s chances of becoming the American leader.


A message echoed by the Commander in Chief, who capped off the night. He portrayed Clinton as the successor who will build on his policies if elected. “It’s going to be four more years of Obama, and a lot of people think that will be worse”.

Biden slams Trump praises Hillary recalls Beau