
Trump has no clue, says Joe Biden

The president also turned to Republican icons of yesteryear as comparison to highlight how Trump was unprepared for the most important job in the world.


Punching at Trump’s campaign slogan, Obama insisted “America is already great”.

Asked by “Today” host Savannah Guthrie if Obama is “worried” about a possible Trump victory, Obama said he’s “seen all kinds of insane stuff happen” in his political career.

“The third day of the democratic convention I think will focus and spotlight the differences between Hillary Clinton’s strength, leadership and qualifications to be commander in chief versus Trump’s unsteady, unfit and unsafe approach to America’s national security”, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told reporters Wednesday before Trump’s comments.

“So, my advice to Democrats – and I don’t have to give this advice to Hillary Clinton, because she already knows it – is you stay anxious until all those votes are cast and counted”, Efe news quoted the President as saying. “That’s a bunch of malarkey”. Making a strong pitch for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, Biden said the USA cannot elect a man who exploits fears of IS and other terrorists. That is the history of the journey of America.

Obama said the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to probe the leak, which showed apparent DNC bias toward Hillary Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders.

Clinton took the stage and embraced Obama after his speech.

He even told a self-deprecating joke – which apparently is a convention no-no whether you’re Dem or GOP – by saying when he’s been called “Middle class Joe”, it means he’s not very sophisticated.

Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Howland, a Clinton delegate, will speak tonight at the convention during prime time, Democratic officials said Wednesday.

California Gov. Jerry Brown took aim at Trump’s past suggestion that the warming of the planet was “a hoax”.

Obama was the final speaker on a Democratic National Convention night Wednesday filled with big names.

Painting a picture of the Republican National Convention, President Obama said, “what we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican – and it sure wasn’t conservative”.

Obama will also try to leverage his vast popularity among Democrats to unify a party scarred by the bruising primary campaign between Clinton and leftist Bernie Sanders. “It alienates those who we need in the fight against ISIS”, Biden said. He brought the crowd to their feet with his evisceration of Donald Trump and a rousing defense of Hillary Clinton as the right person to carry on his legacy. “The America I know is decent and generous”, Obama will say, according to the excerpts. He asked the Russians to interfere in American politics.

Nodding to voters’ concerns, Obama said he understood frustrations “with political gridlock, worry about racial divisions” and the slow pace of economic growth. “This just ripped the Band Aid off and gave some people who were looking for an excuse or a reason not to support Hillary Clinton”.

“Ronald Reagan called America ‘a shining city on a hill.’ Donald Trump calls it “a divided crime scene” that only he can fix”, Obama said.

“You’ve got to get in the arena with her, because democracy isn’t a spectator sport”, he said. Think about that for a moment.


Obama and Clinton were rivals during the 2008 Democratic nomination but Obama appointed her his secretary of state after he was elected as President.

Joe Biden At The Democratic National Convention'I Know Hillary