
Trump gets bump following GOP convention

Donald Trump has not only retaken the lead on the PPD average of polls conducted after the Republican National Convention, but also improved on key indicators.


Trump’s boost comes as he asserts a commanding lead among white voters without a college degree, climbing to 62 percent – up 11 points from last week.

McFadden was a Bernie Sanders supporter and still isn’t impressed with Trump, settling on Clinton.

They’re with her because they find Hillary Clinton so qualified and Donald Trump so … terrifying.

“We are here tonight because America faces a choice, the choice of a new president”. But it’s useful if we want to get a snapshot of what the election looks like right now.

Trump (48 per cent) leads Clinton (45 per cent) by three per cent in a two-way match up, CNN/ORC said.

WUNC’s American Homefront reporter Jay Price speaks with Jeff Tiberii following Hillary Clinton’s address to the VFW Convention in Charlotte. That represents an increase of 6 percentage points for Trump. Favourability ratings for Trump’s wife, Melania, climbed from 27 per cent pre-convention to 43 per cent post-convention, despite news that her Monday night speech contained passages lifted from Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic convention speech.

On the opposite side of the spectrum from the now-cast is our polls-plus forecast, which builds in a convention bounce adjustment.

The CBS News Battleground Tracker Poll shows Trump now has 42 percent support – up from 40 percent the week before the convention – across 11 battleground states.

Finally, there’s our polls-only forecast, which doesn’t have a convention bounce adjustment but is less aggressive than the now-cast. The emails seemed to show the party had favored Clinton over her rival, Vermont Sen.

Still, let me leave you with a comment from Larry Sabato at the Crystal Ball, the University of Virginia Center for Politics. On the one hand, the conventions are not a particularly good time to sweat every tick in the polls. At one point, Clinton and Sanders delegates from MA, like delegates from other states, competed for who could shout their candidate’s name loudest. They said, ‘Debbie, you’re fired. But even the polls-plus model is making what might best be described as an educated guess.

Trump’s favourability rating is also on the rise – 46 per cent of registered voters say they have a positive view, up from 39 per cent pre-convention, while his advantage over Clinton on handling top issues climbs. The Republicans were divided, Melania’s speech created a frenzy, Ted Cruz got booed for his non-endorsement, and Trump’s speech was widely panned as a dark and fear-mongering affair with little optimism or uplift.

Donald Trump goes on and on and on about being a successful businessman, but he filed [for] business bankruptcy six times, always to protect his own money and stick the investors and contractors with the bill.

“I’m not interested in talking provocatively”, Clinton said.


Theresa McGrath had no such problem saying who she supports for president: Trump.

Donald Trump spoke at the VFW Convention in Charlotte