
Benedict Cumberbatch is warping reality in new trailer for Marvel’s Doctor Strange

Despite her introduction at this year’s Hall H, Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers doesn’t seem likely to take part in that event as Feige stated that she wouldn’t be appearing in anyone else’s films until her own launches in 2019, “unless she does”. The film is due for release next summer. And as for the Captain Marvel logo? Adding, “I think Doctor Strange is going to be the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse”.


It makes sense that upcoming movies will explore the cosmic side of the universe as we get closer to Infinity War, and that all starts with Doctor Strange. However, the reality-altering artwork of Ditko and the quasi-Eastern mysticism in Lee’s scripts had Doctor Strange’s interdimensional exploits charting deep into Marvel’s mystical frontier. (IMDB lists her as “Christine Palmer”, who is a Marvel character.) Geez, we’ll probably have to go see the movie to find out what the deal is. Mikkelsen himself was even more circumspect [and don’t even bother asking him about Star Wars].

The BBC’s “Sherlock, ” which airs in the United States on PBS, will debut its latest season next year, and Sunday’s panel about the show featured lead actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays the legendary super-sleuth; co-star Amanda Abbington; and co-creators Mark Gattis and Steven Moffat.

Coogler, who directed “Creed” and “Fruitvale Station”, said that it was a very emotional experience being at Comic-Con.

There are some great blockbuster movies on the horizon this autumn and Doctor Strange is one that you really can not afford to miss.

Unusual meets even stranger people at the Ancient One’s abode in Tibet. Odd gets pulled into the different dimensions. He is exhausted of protecting this world, so he just wants to take care of it all at one go! Michael B Jordan is set to play Erik Killmonger – the nemesis of the titular character played by Chadwick Boseman. “I can’t wait to do it”. A director has yet to be announced, and it is, in fact, the only MCU film now on the schedule to be sans (announced) director.

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” is just 10 days into its shoot, but audiences at Comic-Con have already seen a first look at the film. “You’ll die protecting this world”. “That’s a real exciting thing we can actually explore”.


Due to hit theaters on June 2, 2017, it focuses on the one character to escape criticism in “Batman v Superman”, which chalked record drops in box office revenue after a strong opening week in March.

Doctor Strange Scott Derrickson Benedict Cumberbatch