
Obama on Russia trying to tip US election: ‘Anything is possible’

Will Democrats in Philadelphia be equally lazy and predictable in basing the case for their party on Republican Trump’s moral and intellectual defects?


United States president Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, says he will vote for Donald Trump because he “comes across as a straightforward guy”.

Yet the stream of women, African-Americans, Latinos, gay Americans – from USA senators and celebrities to activists, rank-and-file citizens and, Thursday, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton herself – also serves as a tacit reminder of Democrats’ struggles to connect with a majority of heterosexual white men. “This right now is the greatest country on earth”, the first lady said.

“Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin”, Obama said in an excerpt of the interview that will air in full later.

Guthrie urged him to attack Trump one last time: “But to push you on it a little bit, do you see something about Donald Trump that’s different than your regular Republican opponent with whom you have disagreements?”

“I think it’s fair to say this is not your typical election”.

Trump, in accepting the Republican nomination last Thursday, predicted that he will win over miners and other workers anxious about their futures as a result of environmental regulations imposed by the Obama administration.

“It is alarming that Leon Panetta would, through his silence, excuse Hillary Clinton’s enablement of foreign espionage with her illegal email scheme and her corrupt decision to then destroy those emails and dissemble her “private” server to hide her crimes from the public and authorities”, Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said.

It’s expected that Clinton will also receive a bounce in the polls after her party’s nominating process this week in Philadelphia.

“The WikiLeaks leak was obviously created to hurt our convention”. So instead of trying to get Americans to like her or the status quo better, Democrats can try to get voters to act on their pre-existing view of the candidates’ qualifications. “That’s how they operate”, Jennifer Palmieri, communications director for Hillary for America, told a news conference. Would you identify with a coalition that alighted on white privilege as the center of its cultural outlook and that mostly disseminated that worldview through people with more educational, social, and financial capital than you’ll ever have? “People need to understand – when these leaks happen – what they’re created to do”, she said.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, speaking Tuesday on CNN, refused to confirm or deny that Russian Federation was the source of the emails his organization leaked.

Read: USelections: Sanders to back Clinton. “I stand before you again tonight, after nearly two terms as President, to tell you I am more optimistic about the future of America than ever before”, the President said.


“If she does that when she’s in government, that’s a political, managerial style that can lead to conflict”. In December past year, Putin praised Trump as “a very striking man, unquestionably talented”. We would say, well, that’s a problem.

Michelle Obama: From Reluctant Political Spouse To Pop Culture Icon