
Donald Trump, “Our Debt to Our Vets is Eternal”

“We need everyone in this fight together”.


Other speakers on Wednesday will include Leon Panetta, the former defense secretary and Central Intelligence Agency director who served alongside Clinton during Obama’s first term, most notably during the military operation that killed terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

In fact, there’s a case to be made that the president’s speech tonight will be the most important speech of the week, if you look at a new OH poll from Raleigh’s Public Policy Polling.

Sunday, Oct. 9 – Clinton and Trump will meet again for the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis in St. Louis, MO.

Clinton, 68, a former secretary of state, and Sanders, 74, an independent USA senator from Vermont who ran for president as a Democrat, waged a heated months-long battle for the nomination.

The NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll shows Donald Trump getting no real post-convention bounce: he still trails Hillary Clinton in the poll, 46% to 45%, which is where the race stood before the Republican convention.

Clinton had addressed the gathering the previous day. And we can’t afford to make that choice! Drawing chants of “Not a clue” from the floor of the convention, Biden took Trump to task for his trademark reality TV slogan, “You’re fired”. “But I’m going to keep trying to convince people otherwise”. “It’s rigged against the veterans”, Trump said, promising the vets, “There will be no more five-day waits in line”.

At the same time, some Clinton backers acknowledge that Trump’s dark portrait of diffuse threats holds resonance for Americans made uneasy by terrorism and mass shootings. It’s the president’s turn, and it might be the most critical hour of the convention.

The study broke down the demographics of both Trump and Clinton supporters, finding that support for the GOP nominee soared among respondents aged 65 and older.

Clinton has repeatedly called Trump unfit to lead – impetuous, uninformed and untested. Trump responded: “I love you, too”.

Trump also said he would re-do policies that have hurt the country. “It’s exactly what authoritarian leaders in other countries have done – it’s, ‘Trust me, I know how to do that'”.

White men still make up about a third of the typical presidential electorate and will be crucial to Trump’s fortunes in Rust Belt states that have seen a declining middle class.

Trump and Pence were given a rousing cheer and standing ovation as they entered the same hall where Hillary Clinton spoke to the VFW on Monday.

“We’re going to take care of our veterans like they’ve never been taken care of before”, Trump told the crowd. “A disaster. Or look at her emails which put America’s entire national security at risk”.

Suddenly there were scattered shouts of “Lock her up!” “I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me”, Obama said.

Senior Democrats and former national security figures lined up earlier on Wednesday to describe Trump as unable to steer America through the unsafe waters of today’s world. “Donald Trump’s whole career says you better not”, Kaine said.


A few blocks away at a pro-Bernie Sanders rally near City Hall, supporters of the Vermont senator continued to express anger over Clinton’s victory, which numerous “Bernie or Bust” devotees say was stolen from Sanders.

Donald Trump addressed the annual VFW Convention on Tuesday