
Hillary Clinton campaigns in Va. with Sen. Tim Kaine

Voters, by a substantial margin, say of the presumptive Democratic and Republican party presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton best represents their views on health care, according to a survey released Friday.


A swing state is a USA state where the two major political parties have similar levels of support among voters, important in deciding the final result of a presidential election.

Clinton’s lead in Colorado decreased from other polls published by Fox and Monmouth University.

Many Americans view Islam unfavourably, and supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are more than twice as likely to view the religion negatively as those backing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters/Ipsos online poll of more than 7,000 Americans. In Virginia, Clinton’s lead increases nine points to 44 to 35 percent.

The recent Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist poll shows that among the entire OH electorate, Clinton and Trump tie at 39 percent.

In Florida, Quinnipiac found Trump up 3 percentage points to Clinton, 42%-39%.

The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points for all voters.

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Hillary Clinton vowed to expand President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration after the Supreme Court’s deadlocked decision, calling on Latino voters to help stop what she called GOP rival Donald Trump’s efforts to “fan the flames of racial division”.

The Clinton campaign website has also set up a “Gotta Catch “Em” All” event in OH at “Madison Park Pokestop & PokeGYM”.

The Harvard IOP Poll echoes that sentiment, with just 21 percent of Clinton’s backers saying they’re very enthusiastic about supporting her, while 36 percent of Trump’s backers say the same. Fifty-eight percent said he was untrustworthy in the July poll compared to 67 percent who felt that way in February. In a matchup with U.S. Rep.

“This data demonstrates that Donald Trump has a lot of ground to make up with the voters he needs to win”, said Jill Hanauer, CEO of Project New America, who conducted the poll.

Each candidate landed support from 40 percent of registered voters in the New York Times/CBS News poll. Other recent surveys indicate things have tightened up in some swing states, though the overall picture indicates that the race is still Clinton’s to lose as she remains ahead in most battleground polling.


The Democratic National Convention starts July 25 in Philadelphia and Clinton is expected to select her running mate prior to the event.

Hillary Clinton July 2016