
Sanders supporters on Clinton: ‘I’ll support Hillary if I have to’

It was a phrase he used over and over, sending a message to Bernie Sanders’ supporters that she was, at heart, one of them; and to voters tempted by Donald Trump, that the woman with decades of political experience was the candidate more likely to produce the changes they would welcome. Clinton’s motion to suspend the roll call came at the beginning of the count, and after she had released her delegates to Obama in a move meant to increase party unity. The result, Clinton said, is millions of people on another continent whose lives were saved thanks to American generosity and leadership.


When she formally accepts it on Thursday, she will become the Democratic standard-bearer against Republican nominee Trump in the November 8 election.

Combined, the two speeches seemed created to blunt GOP attacks on Clinton’s handling of world affairs, such as her support for the 2011 NATO-led attack on Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. “She will finish the job and she will do it without resorting to torture or banning entire religions from entering our country”. Obama was “kind enough to call”, he said Wednesday in a meeting with New England delegates.

The most in-depth recounting of Clinton’s resume came from her husband, former president Bill Clinton, who gave a blow-by-blow account of his wife’s path to the nomination, starting from the day they met in 1971 at Yale Law School.

For Bill Clinton, this might well be seen as the most important and most challenging speech of his life. “It’s… even more relevant today than in some ways it was in 2004”, one official told reporters, noting the “vitriol” of the 2016 campaign.

One other aspect is clear: Bill won’t run the social side of the White House, such as staging state dinners and inviting entertainers to perform in the East Room.

“This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue”.

Like Barry Goldwater, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and other failed candidates of the past, they fell short of their ultimate goal but succeeded in preparing the way for others – like Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama – who eventually could take their ideas into the White House.

Democrats have buttressed Clinton with a star gathering of current and past party notables. He points to the party’s 2008 convention in Denver.

Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Shailene Woodley and Rosario Dawson joined forces as night fell to protest what they consider slights against loyalists of Sanders, a Vermont U.S. senator who competed against Hillary Clinton in the party’s presidential primaries before endorsing her.

She approaches Sanders supporters and talks with them if they’ll vote for Clinton or not.

Day two of the Democratic National convention has wrapped up in the United States city of Philadelphia with Hillary Clinton making history as the first female major-party presidential nominee.

Following the nomination vote, much of the remainder of Tuesday’s convention was spent defining the nominee.

Speaking on CNN on Wednesday, Panetta said Trump’s remarks about Russian Federation and the Clinton emails were “beyond the pale”.

Bloomberg, founder of the Bloomberg news and data service, was previously elected as a Republican and later became an independent.

“The biggest thing Bernie taught me is how to forgive”, said Matt Kiley of Peacham, Vt.

Kaine, a US senator from Virginia picked as Clinton’s running mate last week, will also get a chance to present himself to the party and the country.

Bill Clinton said his wife singled out DeLay as a partner despite their differences because she knew he was an adoptive parent who cared deeply about the issue.


But Tuesday night’s program went off as planned, right up to its highlights, notably a speech by Bill Clinton in support of his wife, who could make him the nation’s first “first dude”. He traced their more than 40-year political and personal partnership in deep detail.

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