
Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech

Celeste Wechter, center, and Daniel Persson, both from Newport, Ore., purchase Bernie Sanders buttons at a rally for Democratic presidential candidate Sen.


However, the 12,000-person event was different than his other large rallies. Sanders eventually left the Saturday afternoon event at Westlake Park in Seattle without giving his speech.

“This is not utopian dreaming”, Sanders said. Doors were closed at the venue, according to arena staff, before the rally started.

“We’re not here to make threats”, father of two Luis Rodriguez said toward police. Sanders ended up leaving without addressing the crowd. “Period”.

Saturday’s speech was not the first time the Vermont senator has been targeted by Black Lives Matters supporters.

Simone Sanders was greeted with great applause as she assured the audience that as far as the Black Lives Matter movement was concerned, “Bernie would turn those words into action”. “No one should be dehumanized by their race”.

“It is an obscenity that we stigmatize so many young Americans with a criminal record for smoking marijuana, but not one major Wall Street executive has been prosecuted for causing the near collapse of our entire economy”, Sanders added in his SCLC speech. “Those are issues that do have to be dealt with, and just at the same time as we deal with institutional racism”.

“You know which candidate for president will shut down the private prison industry”, she said, according to CNN. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., as Mara Jacqueline Willaford, partially hidden at right, points near him as the two women take over the microphone at a rally Saturday, August 8, 2015, in downtown Seattle. I do hope that the protest helps bring the issues to the forefront of Sanders’ campaign and political discourse in general. “He is super flexible, he is cool and he has a great heart”. I understand the passion of the Black Lives Matter movement and I share the frustration of advocates that haven’t seen the necessary reforms or enough politicians care about the issue.

When asked if the website change came in response to yesterday’s interruption, Sanders’ communication director Michael Briggs said the new racial justice platform “was already in the works”.

Whereas Sanders stepped off to the aspect, an occasion organizer responded to the activists, saying “we’re going to allow you to on the mic”. “And I’ve spent 50 years of my life fighting for civil rights and for dignity”, Sanders responded.

“Some people haven’t heard [Sanders’ new message] yet, they haven’t heard it, they haven’t received it yet”. “They haven’t received it yet”.


The presidential campaign of Sen.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena