
Ryan won’t be joining Pence at Wisconsin rally

An article by Politico reporter Kevin Robillard pointed out on Tuesday that, now that Pence is a vice presidential nominee, campaign finance laws will limit the amount he can move to Holcomb’s campaign.


Republicans have criticized Gregg’s tenure as speaker for draining a $2 billion state surplus, which was attacked at the time as unnecessary.

He also referenced his considerable fundraising successes at the Republican Governor’s Association in 2014, when Christie helped raise a record-busting $106 million for the RGA to help elect GOP candidates around the nation.

“I stood there like chopped liver”, Coats said. He says voters must choose between “a veteran who has always answered the call to serve” and Gregg, whom he accused of supporting “tax increases, debt, and insider deals”.

An aide to Ryan says he will be out of state Wednesday raising money for House Republicans. While there may be a new name on the ballot, the issues remain the same.

Holcomb has embraced Pence’s policies, saying they’ve led to job growth and a record state budget surplus in contrast to when Democrats last held the governor’s office 12 years ago. This, as Donald Trump selected Pence as his 2016 presidential running mate. Jim Tomes, and the more competitive U.S. Reps.

Pence will be campaigning in one of the strongest Republican strongholds in the state. Brooks and Rokita are eligible for those spots.

The DeltaPlex was the site of Donald Trump’s only West Michigan appearance back in December. Pence had endorsed Holcomb for the nomination. Each of these leaders is talented, hard-working and committed to improving the lives of all Hoosiers.

– Fresh off his acceptance as the Republican nomination for vide president, Gov. Mike Pence will be speaking in the metro Detroit area later this week.

“Hoosiers should be proud to have Eric Holcomb as their Republican choice for Governor this fall”.

Gingrich said via email that Pence is proving to be “a good balance for Trump’s powerful personality”.

Mike Pence of IN speaks during the third day session of the Republican National Convention IN Cleveland, Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Eric Holcomb might not have access to all of his predecessor’s campaign funds. “We are unified, because we can not go backwards as a state”, Rokita said.

Mitch Daniels, as chairman of the Indiana Republican Party, and as chief of staff to U.S. Sen.


Gov. Pence and at least three members of the committee are publicly backing Holcomb.

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and vice presidential nominee Mike Pence arrive to speak at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Charlotte North Carolina