
Cracking the glass ceiling: Hillary Clinton’s U.S. presidential nomination

It’s a big day because of the official delegate count and roll call. Trump has no national security experience and few ties to the norms that have governed USA foreign policy under presidents from both parties, including standing by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies threatened by countries including Russian Federation.


As Trump did at the Republican convention, Clinton has had to deal with plenty of distractions at her party’s confab in Philadelphia.

Obama left no doubt that was “ready to pass the baton” to Clinton.

Clinton made history on Tuesday when she became the first woman to secure the presidential nomination from a major party.

“If you believe in making change from the bottom up, if you believe the measure of change is how many people’s lives are better, you know it’s hard and some people think it’s boring”, Bill Clinton said.

Beyond personal ties and party loyalty, a big motivation for Obama’s robust support is concern that Trump would unravel his legacy if the Republican wins in November.

Obama painted an optimistic picture of the country that contrasted sharply with the “deeply pessimistic vision’ of America presented at last week’s GOP convention”.

“Hillary now has moved on the agenda more than she ever was before on those issues, so we’ll fight for the issues and in doing so I think Hillary will ride that wave to the president”, Pinkham said.

The Virginia senator introduced himself to the many Americans who had never heard of him before he was tapped by Clinton last week. Well, I’m a delegate who did no booing and did no walking, but I want to say a few words in defense of my confreres. They appeared together in North Carolina, a state with a large African-American population that he carried in 2008.

Trump has commented on the Democratic convention repeatedly on Twitter, in interviews, at rallies and news conferences throughout the week. Campaign insiders said Mrs Clinton planned to use her speech to “reintroduce” herself to the nation. Obama has been distinctly critical of Trump.

The Clinton campaign portrays Trump, a former reality TV star whose campaign style has been freewheeling and whose remarks have been peppered with insults, as temperamentally unfit for the White House. Delegates chanted “not a clue, not a clue” and jumped to their feet. But, again, Bernie-or-bust folks say they are protesting precisely because they feel unheard, and they don’t care that Sanders or liberal darling Massachusetts Sen.

“I honestly really do not know (how I’m going to vote) until I walk into the voting booth”, Tengesdal said.

“Because in the next two years or four years or eight years or 12 years we will have another candidate like Bernie”, Gregory said.

“As someone who was responsible for protecting our nation from cyber-attacks, it is inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be that irresponsible”. Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Vice President Joe Biden are also set to speak Wednesday.


Cue the president! Day three of the Democratic National Convention kicked off at 4 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 27.

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