
Russia should find Hillary Clinton’s missing emails, Trump says

While answering questions from reporters in Florida today, Trump looked directly into the cameras and said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.


The Republican presidential nominee, holding a Wednesday press conference, said that the 30,000 missing emails from Clinton’s private email server would reveal “some beauties” and made an extraordinary plea for a foreign power to locate them. The presidential nominee encouraged Russian hackers to hack into the email server of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

His appeal comes as Russian Federation stands accused of hacking emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for Mr Trump’s benefit.

Shortly after his event ended, Trump repeated his call on Twitter.

“I asked Sergei Borisovich (Ivanov) if he has met this man, and Sergei Borisovich said he would not comment on such outlandish reports”, Peskov said. Didn’t that idea give him pause? I don’t know anything about him other than he will respect me … By the way they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. “I mean, they will discover her yoga lesson schedule”. Why not say that? Both Russia and Mr Trump deny the allegation. He doesn’t respect our president. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”, said Trump during a press conference in Miami.

“As somebody who has now been in elected office at various levels for about 20 years, I have seen all kinds of insane stuff happen, and I think everybody that goes into campaigns not running scared can end up losing”. That’ll be next. Yes, sir…

So Trump accepts Clinton’s claim that the emails are deleted – and are thus impossible to hack.

Clinton’s senior policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, released a statement in response to Trump’s comments.

He added, “It’s probably not Russian Federation”. Nobody knows if it’s Russian Federation.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s interview with The Detroit News.

FBI Director James Comey has said an investigation found no direct evidence that Clinton’s personal e-mail domain was successfully hacked, but said it was unlikely investigators would see direct evidence.

He called Russia’s potential involvement in the hack another sign of Russia’s “disrespect for our country”. Donald’s explicit call for a foreign power to conduct espionage against the one of the biggest political stories of the decade, but don’t expect the national media to cover it that way. “You can’t forget the bills”, Trump told The Times. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday brushed aside accusations that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic Party emails.

Clinton kept a private system for her emails at her NY home while she was at the State Department from 2009-2013. If they have them, they have them.

This scandal further tarnished Clinton’s already negative image while pushing away many of Sanders supporters, who the Clinton campaign hopes will shift their support to Clinton after Sanders’ exit.

We want to hear from you. After she gets a subpoena! Is the Party of Reagan going to sit idly by while their candidate suggests that foreign government hackers should infiltrate the USA government?


At a press conference in Miami, Trump focused on about 30,000 State Department emails that were deleted and not able to be retrieved by congressional and FBI investigators.

Donald and Vladmir sittin in a tree