
Black Republican: This is Why I Am Voting For Donald Trump …

Texas delegates packed a room in Philadelphia this morning to hear from Vermont Sen. “I understood that after all these years she has never forgotten just who she’s fighting for”.


Obama has already made one joint campaign appearance with Clinton. “She’s been there for us – even if we haven’t always noticed”, Obama said, adding that even if voters didn’t agree with her on every issue, it’s important to get out and vote.

Bernie’s move was an attempt at unifying the thus-far divided Democrat Party, encouraging his supporters to give their vote to Hillary as opposed to Donald Trump, the opposing Republican Party candidate. Since he was elected in 2008 he has gone out of his way not to be perceived as a clown by the national media, but he says the Clinton campaign asked him to use humor to help her, and he agreed.

Mr Obama’s address before the DNC is widely acknowledged to be his last major speech before leaving office, and he is acutely aware that his legacy will be defined by the next leader who succeeds him.

“Some people say, well we need change”.

“Lets make sure we have a Democratic president, lets make sure we have a Democratic Senate and I wouldnt mind a Democratic House because Peter Welch, with his seniority, would automatically become a significant chairman, ” Leahy said.

“While this nation has been tested by war, and it’s been tested by recession and all manner of challenges, I stand before you again tonight after nearly two terms as your president to tell you I am more optimistic about the future of America than ever before”, he said.

Clinton and Trump, a political novice, are locked in a tight race.

Mr Obama, who was due to address the convention last night, went on to attack Mr Trump for lacking a “basic knowledge about the world”, including not understanding what a nuclear triad was, or the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

The former President spent 40 minutes pairing rom-com details of their courtship with her political and public service biography to try to show America what he sees – a woman who is “the best darn change maker” he’s ever met.

In a nod to the many Americans who believe the country is on the wrong track, Obama said they “still have more work to do”, and said Hillary Clinton – the “woman in the arena” – would continue that work. The screen then shattered into virtual pieces, revealing Hillary Clinton, via satellite from NY.


“It’s been a great day and night”, she said. “And she exuded this sense of strength and self possession that I found magnetic”, he said. She said Democrats had put the “biggest crack” yet in the so-called glass ceiling preventing women from advancing to higher jobs. At the end of the night Clinton appeared via video, surrounded by young girls.

In 10th convention speech, Bill Clinton faces tougher crowd