
Brutal rap battle with Cara Delevingne, James Corden and Dave Franco

Corden, meanwhile, perhaps unleashes the best barb, with regards to (ahem) the “only amusing thing” Franco has been in. The “rhyme killer with no filler” as Reggie Watts had just previously described him, first goes after Franco, declaring: “You can thank your agent for getting you this bit, we can all agree you’re not famous enough for it”, and, “I’m pretty sure we actually meant to book your brother”.


Fighting back the Suicide Squad actress rapped: “You’ll kill yourself, you promise is that a fact?”

Kicking off the proceedings, rap enthusiast Corden, squared up to Delevinge and told her: “When I see you try to act it makes me want to kill myself”.

There were a tonne of great lines (whoever writes the raps for this section needs to get SIGNED), but Cara Delevingne got the best of the lot, slaying the pair with: “I’ve hooked up with hotter girls than both of you combined!” He then turned his focus to Delevingne saying,”You’re ideal for Suicide Squad, I’m being heartfelt, because when I see you try to act it makes me want to kill myself”. I can see it now. “Trying to hide an accent thicker than your eyebrows”.

He later referred to Corden as a “fatter Mr Bean” too. I live in America and I never noticed you. Moving his attention to the 23-year-old British model, the younger Franco questions: “You think you’re an actor in movies right now?”


Watch the clip to see who was crowned the champion, and see the video below for more epic Drop the Mic moments!

Watch things get nasty in James Corden-Cara Delevingne rap battle