
Donald Trump Just Asked Russia To Hack Hillary Clinton’s Emails

He opened by bashing Hillary Clinton for not holding a news conference in months and generated headlines by urging Russian Federation to uncover Clinton’s deleted emails. As he has said, he has “zero investments” in Russian Federation. It spent about six weeks, from late April to about June 11 or 12, monitoring the systems and watching while the hackers – who they believed were Russian – operated inside the systems, one of the sources said.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails” – messages deleted from her private server that Clinton has said were personal, not State Department business – “that are missing”, Trump said. “What I do know is that Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin”. “Let’s see if that happens, that would be nice”.

“It is so far-fetched, it’s so ridiculous”, Mr Trump said of that theory.

Regardless of what one thinks of either Ms. Clinton or her bad judgment in this episode, inviting one of this country’s main adversaries – or any other country, come to think of it – to engage in cyberespionage against a fellow American is reprehensible.

No one can deny with straight face that Trump would be publicly slamming that Democrat from the rooftops. Those documents – which list one’s assets and debts – are required of all presidential candidates to unveil any potential conflicts of interest should they be elected. “My son doesn’t want to run for mayor. The chapter that I waited for, I never heard”.

“He was actually telling a joke that they still don’t get”, Limbaugh said. It was about the things that were said in those emails.

But when Trump has engaged in the exact same conduct as outlined above, he thinks it’s A-OK.

Coming off his own convention last week in Cleveland, Trump has campaigned throughout the Democratic conclave in Philadelphia.

“I don’t like circumstantial evidence when it comes to blaming a foreign government”, said Jeffrey Carr, the chief executive of Taia Global, a threat intelligence company. “France is no longer France”.

But on Wednesday morning during a press conference, Trump addressed Russia directly in response to speculations that Russian hackers were involved in the 20,000 emails published by WikiLeaks, revealing an internal bias towards Clinton, and against Vermont Sen. “You can’t forget the bills”, Trump told The Times. “We have a whole new world”, he said, later reaffirming that he believes in enhanced interrogations. “By the way, it works”. “Because we’re going to make America great again, folks”. “I’d like to have them released”. “They’re not living up to the bargain”, he said.

“I would love to see a woman become president of the United States”.

Trump mocked Sanders and said he “sold out” by supporting Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and some cybersecurity experts think so. Jaded reporters didn’t give that theory much credence, but imagine the stories they missed! However, he assured the paper that, “It’s something that somebody should do that knows how to negotiate and not the kind of representatives that I have seen in the past”. “And he left it out”.

Trump cast doubt on whether Russian Federation was behind that hack.

“Be quiet”, he said. This official said – and I’m quoting – “I wonder if we reach a point where we say this is insane; we’re not briefing this guy”. But she must limit her fear to a fear of Trump. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, her chief primary campaign rival. “If they have them, they have them”, he said when asked if his comments were inappropriate. “I’m just not a believer in email”.

Back in December, Trump was planning to go to Israel but canceled it after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned his proposal to ban for all Muslims.

“I don’t know”, he later added.

“By the way David Hinckley should not have been freed”.


Thought experiment: Imagine if Hillary Clinton said those exact words and imagine the fallout. In fact, the last seated, formal press conference with Clinton was December 4 in Fort Dodge, Iowa, though she has had several informal pressers since then. Hillary Clinton is running against Vladimir Putin, declared Jeffrey Goldberg, writing for the Atlantic.

Donald Trump is dominating the discussion on social media