
Trump says Russian Federation should find Clinton’s missing emails

U.S. President Barack Obama criticized Donald Trump Wednesday saying he “is somebody who likes attention and maybe surprised himself that he got this far”.


The billionaire developer is scheduled to speak at 10:30 Trump National Doral, according to his campaign website.

And as friends, Obama chose to help Clinton out with a triumphant speech that was one part loving endorsement, one part celebration of America and one part Donald Trump smackdown.

The e-mail leak forced Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida to resign as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. You can view the Terms of Use on our website.

Trump has often praised Putin, calling him a “strong leader”.

“Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin”, Obama said in an excerpt of the interview that will air in full on Wednesday. NBC released a partial transcript of Obama’s surprising remarks shortly after Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. “I don’t think he has accomplished that”.

“If it’s any foreign country it shows how little respect they have for the United States”, said Trump, who added that he was “not an email person myself because I believe it can be hacked”.

The Clinton campaign says cyber-experts it has hired have suggested Russian Federation was to blame and its goal was to help the Republican presidential candidate Trump.

President Barack Obama told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the DNC email leak because the Federal Bureau of Investigation is still investigating.


Tonight, the current president is joining her party — for it is her party now — in making the case to the nation for electing the former first lady, senator and secretary of state as the first woman to occupy the Oval Office. “Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before”.

Barack Obama right with his half brother Malik