
Four Florida Zika Cases May Be Locally Transmitted

Florida officials are investigating four cases of Zika that do not appear to be related to travel, raising fears mosquitoes in the United States are spreading the virus. Also, Zika antibodies are known to cross-react with other flaviviruses. The symptoms of Zika are typically mild, which makes it even more risky because people who are infected often don’t feel sick. Haiyan Zhao, first author and a postdoctoral researcher in Fremont’s laboratory, took the lead on using X-ray crystallography to visualize the viral epitopes as well as undertook binding assays to characterize the antibodies. “The department will share more details as they become available”.


On Monday, the CDC updated its guidelines to say that pregnant women could contract Zika from a sex partner of either gender. The South Florida counties have the most cases of Zika statewide.

Dr Beneby warned that only one in every five persons infected would show symptoms. A phenomenon whereby people infected with dengue virus get sicker the second time they are infected due to low levels of leftover antibodies is called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

Diamond cautioned against extrapolating from cell experiments in the lab to real people.

This is a transmission electron microscope image of Zika virus (red).

A new travel-related case of the Zika virus has been reported in Escambia County by the Florida Department of Health.

Florida Health Department officials are urging residents and visitors to cooperate in the investigation, which began Wednesday, and will include door-to-door outreach and collection of urine samples.

Mosquito control is also trapping bugs from those locations and testing them for Zika.

If the four Florida cases were really spread by local mosquitoes, Adalja said it would “raise the stakes for pregnant women in Florida, who will have to be meticulous in their avoidance of mosquitoes”.

“Pregnant travellers returning from an area with Zika virus transmission should consult with their health care provider, especially if they have acute signs and symptoms similar to Zika virus”, Alberta Health said.


Hotez said he wonders why Florida officials are taking so long to confirm whether Zika is spreading locally, given that the first suspected case in a non-traveler was announced a week ago.

Florida Closely Monitors First Two Local Zika Cases