
Bill Clinton Counters The Greatest Criticisms Of His Wife In DNC Speech

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton addresses the Democratic National Convention via a live video feed from NY during the second night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. July 26, 2016.


PHILADELPHIA The morning after Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders officially lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, Pennsylvania Democrats were eager to recognize the former candidate for his work in championing progressive ideals, but were just as eager to unite behind Clinton for president. Understandably, the usual condemnation has followed – from the usual sources. He said people should not forget Trump, prior to running for president, was a part of the discredited “birther” movement questioning whether President Obama was a natural-born US citizen. Clinton’s supporters, in the hall and in the country, were mesmerized, moved and inspired. It didn’t necessarily work, as many Sanders supporters walked out of the convention. You know, the Bernie bros, and all that.

Clinton has said the emails she did not hand over were private.

In college towns across the U.S., Sanders’ campaign caught fire, and those precincts helped Sanders secure upset wins in states like MI and run up the score in states like Minnesota, where he won by over 20 points on caucus night.

He kept going after Trump by saying, “He cozies up to Putin, praises Saddam Hussein, [and] tells our North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies that stood by our side after 9/11 that they have to pay up if they want our protection”.

Could you think of anything more romantic than a political convention? So they often come with rough edges and maybe a fair dollop of naivete.

Sometimes during the Sanders campaign someone might say to me, “I hear you’re working you ass off on the campaign”, and I’d say, “Please, you have no idea of the kind of work some of these people are doing”. “I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me”. I used to question him as to whether he really had a home. He paraded through a tour of states on what Hillary had done for the little guy.

According to Whitaker, “Sanders has done a great thing for the party in bringing in young people to the process and engaging and inspiring young people in a way that other candidates wouldn’t have been able to do just by having different views on different issues”. The two million plus campaign contributors were matched by campaign doers.

So we get to the convention and it’s over. And a lot of people think a lot of things. “We’ve all experienced disappointment”, he said. Most of it has nothing to do with cheating – but the fact that most primaries and caucuses make it hard and sometimes impossible for independents to participate did mean that the candidate that virtually every poll said would be the stronger candidate in a final election could not actually win the nomination to be in the final election.

Jacksonville’s John Parker wants to see some changes to the Democratic Party, like reducing the number of super-delegates. Amusing how this aspect of Sanders’s candidacy, which was supposed to permanently render him a fringe candidate, has hardly been mentioned in recent months. “It’s really a poorly worded title, but they are your elected party officials, so they are people with experience and we do need them in the event of a tie”, Parker said. People worked their hearts out for Sanders precisely because they saw him as nothing like Clinton (and certainly not like Trump).

Hillary Clinton is no way what we wanted in a president.

In addition to party loyalty, a big motivation for Obama’s robust support is deep concern that Republican Donald Trump can win in November and unravel the president’s eight years in office.

This is why I hate party politics. Sen.


Yishu Dai, a 21-year-old delegate and St. Olaf College student, said she thinks “the Sanders camp is trying really hard to transfer the momentum effectively into something else”, she said. They’re doers. And without doers, there would be nothing for the talkers to talk about.

Live from DNC: Bernie Sanders urges WA delegation to defeat 'dangerous' Donald Trump