
Opera on Steve Jobs’ life in production

While Gates worked on his project, Jobs operated from in his garage in Los Altos, California, and with partner Steve Wozniak released the compact Apple II at the time Albuquerque was a technology hub.


According to press notes, the opera will begin with Jobs facing his own mortality, and will trace back through his past, the events and people who shaped and inspired him.

As Apple news website Cult of Mac put it: “Remember the time Jobs broke into song while firing the MobileMe team?” A film starring Ashton Kutcher was released in 2013, and a second biopic with Michael Fassbender as Jobs is slated to open this autumn.

After revolutionizing the tech industry and dying too young of pancreatic cancer, the life Apple founder Steve Jobs has been a remarkable one.

Charles McKay, the general director of the Santa Fe Opera, has also clarified that he has been in touch with Jobs’s widow, Laurene Jobs, and has emphasized the respectful and communicative nature of their correspondence.

The production seeks to create “a production as innovative as the man himself” by capturing the “buzzing creative realm of Silicon Valley with a kinetic electro-acoustic score, lush vocal writing, [and] a compelling non-linear narrative”.

Mason Bates and Mark Campbell, creative team for “The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs“, already well known to Washington classical music fans.

Santa Fe Opera celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2016, when the season will give attention to three nice operas of the 20th century: Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West, Strauss’s Capriccio, and Samuel Barber’s Vanessa. When he returned 11 years later, he again made huge strides, introducing the iMac, iPod, and iPhone.


“Each character will have (his or her) own music”, Bates said.

Steve Jobs: The opera?!