
Pope prays at Poland’s Black Madonna icon

Earlier Thursday, while leading an outdoor Mass in the southern Polish city of Czestochowa, the 79-year-old Pope stumbled and fell after appearing to trip on a step. “The others want war”, he added.


Pope Francis missed a step and fell to the groun…

“This is war. The world has been at war for a while now …”

The Vatican’s yellow-and-white flags and photos of Francis – usually a staple of papal visits – didn’t seem in fashion on apartment buildings and shops.

“There is a war of interest, there is a war for money, a war for natural resources, a war to dominate people”.

Worry about bad weather prompted a last-minute change in Pope Francis’ travel plans Thursday during his Polish pilgrimage, with the pontiff opting to take a auto instead of a military helicopter to a shrine cherished by Poles as their spiritual capital.

“[This is] Not a war of religion”.

Pope Francis attends a mass on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of Poland’s Baptism at the Jasna Gora shrine in Czestochowa, Poland July 28, 2016.

“He wanted to specify very clearly, he doesn’t mean a war of religions”, the spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi said.

He told reporters that “the world is at war”, but stressed it was not a war of religion.

The Pope is due to visit Auschwitz on Friday, as part of a five-day official trip to Poland.

When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires in his native Argentina, Francis rode public transport to inspire humility within the church hierarchy.

The Pontiff is planning to participate in a youth jamboree, which marks the weeklong celebration of World Youth Day.

Pope Francis has prayed by the relics of the late pope from Poland, St. John Paul II, at the and has met with Poland’s bisho…

There, President Duda, a Catholic from Krakow, hailed Pope Francis as a “support, a road sign” in life for young people.


During the service, Pope Francis urgied Poles to stay united, as their nation is divided over such issues as how to view refugees and migrants, especially those who are not Christians.

Pope Francis falls at Mass in Poland after missing step