
Bruce Springsteen Gives Jon Stewart a Final “Moment of Zen”

After nearly 16 years presenting The Daily Show, America’s number one satirist Jon Stewart bid farewell to the hit programme which has mercilessly mocked current affairs, politicians and the media.


The celebrated comedian then began his on-screen goodbye, telling his viewers that this isn’t actually the end. “The Jon Stewart Show” was initially successful, and was expanded from 30 minutes to a full hour after its first season, but was cancelled during its second.

While it was all so very awesome to see the gang all there (either in studio or via satellite), the tears definitely started to flow when his old pal Colbert finally dropped in.

Stewart, who has hosted the Comedy Central program through multiple presidential elections, announced earlier this year that he would be leaving the show.

Last night, Jon Stewart hosted The Daily Show for the last time.

“You are infuriatingly good at your job”, he said between hilarious jabs and heartwarming recollections of the past. We learned from you by example how to do a show with attention, how to work with clarity, how to treat people with respect. “We owe you. And not just what you did for our career by employing us to come on this tremendous show that you made”.

Also paying tribute to Stewart were a number of his frequent targets.

Ultimately, we think of these numbers as a nice parting gift to a man in Stewart who helped to change the face of comedy and what Americans think of political coverage.

“This is the most lovely place I’ve ever been and I’ll never have that again”. This show isn’t ending. Now that Stewart’s final show is history, the CNN anchor has decided to take a couple of jabs in return.


Stewart, whose handful of extracurricular activities include writing and directing the 2014 drama Rosewater, has kept relatively quiet about his plans, except to say he intends to spend more time with his family. “So rather than saying goodbye or good night, I’m just going to say I’m gonna go get a drink”, he said.

Stephen Colbert's passionate “thank you” to Jon Stewart shows the difference a