
Apprehended Terrrorist In Kashmir Is Pakistani Police

“Our prime minister is also a Kashmiri and so Kashmir is a long-drawn issue with India”, he said.


Former president and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday urged the worldwide community to stop pointing fingers at each other and think of how to resolve the Kashmir issue.

A team of NIA officials led by a Deputy Inspector General took the custody of 22-year-old from Handwara court and brought him here for a thorough interrogation, including carrying out some scientific tests.

The protests broke out in the region on July 8 after the killing of a top militant commander of Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) Burhan Muzaffar Wani, along with two associates.

Pakistani leaders have criticised India over the Kashmir unrest, and the country observed on July 20 a “black day” to protest against the killings.

New Delhi accused Islamabad of instigating the ongoing violence that so far has claimed around 50 lives.

On what kind of signal India, which has postponed the resumption of Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue in wake of Pathankot terror strike, was giving by sending the Home Minister to Pakistan, Swarup said,”Our participation is in the context of our “neighbourhood first” policy and our commitment to regional cooperation within the SAARC framework”.

Singh will be accompanied by Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi and several other senior officers of the Home Ministry.

According to political analysts, the Home Minister’s visit to Pakistan will perhaps define the future course.

The last meeting of SAARC Interior/Home Ministers’ conference was held in Kathmandu in 2014. The arrest of terrorist Bahadur Ali has once again exposed the role of Pakistan in sponsoring terrorism against India.


A week before the Pathankot attack that killed seven security men, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a brief stopover in Lahore while returning to India from Afghanistan and Russian Federation.

A masked Kashmiri protester throws a stone at policemen during a protest in Srinagar Kashmir