
Hillary Clinton: 2016 rivals leave her ‘in state of disbelief’

Throughout Clinton’s appearance at the Los Angeles Trade Technical College, home health-care workers from across the country told Clinton what a pay bump would mean to their kids, their families and their dignity.


“Whatever your issue, your cause, the festering problem you hoped would be resolved, the political class has failed you“, she said. After delicately sidestepping an opportunity to criticize fellow candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich by name for taking federal money for Medicaid expansion, he came out swinging against former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whom he said was advocating for Republicans to “hide our conservative principles to get the left and the media to like us“.

“Once she arrived, they decided to start with the photo shoot because people had been waiting and she was caught in traffic so the plane was delayed on the tarmac and the freeway was jammed”, said attendee Sharon Williams.

“They’re not in the business of providing advisory security services”, Delrahim said of the FBI. Clinton herself has said she is “confident” that she never knowingly sent or received anything that was classified. He reported that a review of 40 of Clinton’s e-mails revealed four e-mails that “contained classified information when they were generated”. “And this is what’s attractive about him, I have to say, as somebody who did a show called ‘Politically Incorrect, ‘ who was always being criticized for speaking too honestly”. If those estimates are true, then the event raised more than $200,000 for the Clinton campaign. “How can they trust you based on that record?” Basically, the more states contribute to higher education, the more they get from the federal government.

Clinton on Thursday also attended a $2,700 per person fundraiser at the Brentwood home of music industry talent manager Scooter Braun and his wife, Yael. After the event, Clinton took a few pictures — including one with people wearing “Fight for $15” T-shirts — but did not take questions from the media.

With Sen. Bernie Sanders doing very public events Saturday in Seattle – notably a 6 p.m. rally at the UW’s Hec Edmundson Pavilion – Washington’s Hillary-backing U.S. Senators were asked Friday when she will come out of pricey fundraisers and be with the folks.

Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, carried California in the 1992 and 1996 presidential contests.

Graham’s outburst represents just the latest turn in his relationship with the Democratic power couple. “Over time we’re going to become energy independent”.


When asked if that was Clinton, Cummings-Akers shrugged. “I just don’t really see her as President”.

Hillary Rodham Clinton