
Hillary Clinton releases first video in presidential campaign

“Since Day One, we’ve scheduled in a reasonable major with the use of Hillary herself attempting to generate every decision and, in the end, the nomination”. But recent conversations between Biden’s associates and Democratic donors and operatives have led to speculation that Biden will challenge front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton for the party’s nomination.


Thirty-eight percent (38%) think Biden would make a better president than Clinton. In another promising sign for Biden, longtime Biden supporters in key, early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire have said they’re holding out hope he’ll run again.

In fact, Biden’s late son Beau allegedly urged his father to run for the White House in 2016 before he died of brain cancer in May. Much of the inspiration, the Times reports, comes from Biden’s son Beau, who passed away in May.

Things won’t get any easier for Clinton if, as rumored, Vice-President Joe Biden decides to enter the race. During his first run, his candidacy was bogged down by allegations of plagiarism, and he quickly folded his campaign. He did contribute $500,000 during the 2012 election cycle to Priorities USA Action, a super PAC that backed President Barack Obama’s re-election bid which is now raising money to support Clinton’s bid.

More say they have yet to form an opinion of Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clinton on both measures.

“Clinton has already raised millions, established an official campaign infrastructure in several states, and garnered endorsements from dozens of prominent state and federal lawmakers”, Business Insider explains. He’s an extraordinary person and I count him as a dear friend.

According to reports, the vice-president has taken note of the controversies over Mrs Clinton’s private email server while secretary of state and questions about donations to the Clinton Foundation – and the toll these stories have had on her public approval ratings.

While Democrats’ loyalties might be split, the relationship Biden and Clinton has never been on bad footing.

“I think that the email scandal is going to be a devastating blow for Hillary”, said Trump, who made the rounds of various political chat shows.

COLMES: What can a Democratic, or a Democratic Socialist in your case, let’s say just left of center President do with an increasingly Republican congress that is not sympathetic to some of these arguments and certainly won’t help provide, it seems, the funds you need to invest to make some of these programs happen?

The ads aim to provide more complete biography of a woman who many, including in her 2008 presidential campaign, assumed was widely known and, therefore, were not introduced in her first run from president. But these allies also were involved with Biden’s two previous presidential campaigns.


I just saw her picture on the front of New York Magazine.

Lindsey Graham Brings Up Bill Clinton's Affair to Question Hillary's