
Bernie Bros Celebrate Debbie Wasserman Schultzs Ouster As DNC Head

Amid a controversy over emails showing national party operatives were scheming to undermine Bernie Sanders during the presidential primary campaign, the embattled Democratic national chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, announced on Sunday she would quit after the convention.


Sanders and First Lady Michelle Obama headline day one of the Democratic convention which “gavels in” at 4:00 pm (2000 GMT) Monday. “I don’t think she’s qualified to be the chair of the DNC not only for these bad emails, which revealed the prejudice of the DNC, but because we need a party that reaches out to working people and young people”, he told the network.

“I might not always win the day”.

“This is a tremendous victory for Senator Sanders’ fight to democratize the Democratic Party and reform the Democratic nominating process”, Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, said of the commission on superdelegates.

“Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals [of winning the presidency for Hillary Clinton] is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention”, Wasserman Schultz, who represents Florida in Congress, said in a statement, reported by Politico.

When Debbie Wasserman Schultz spoke Monday morning to the Florida delegation as the national Democratic convention got underway, some delegates cheered. “But a guaranteed recommendation of two-thirds fewer superdelegates is a major step, and one that I’m excited to continue building on in future years”, said rules committee member Aaron Regunberg, a state lawmaker from Rhode Island who had pushed an effort to completely eliminate the use of superdelegates.

Wasserman Shultz was the first woman in fifteen years to serve as DNC chair upon her appointment by US President Barack Obama in 2011.

Clinton insisted to CBS’s Scott Pelley in the segment, which did not air but was published on the network’s website, that she “doesn’t know anything” about the leaked emails and has not read them, but such an email would be “absolutely wrong and unacceptable”. “As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans”, Wasserman Schultz added.

On NBC’s Meet The Press, Sanders wouldn’t say whether Schultz should be forced to resign before the Democratic convention begins.

Earlier this week, WikiLeaks released thousands of e-mails originating from seven top DNC officials from January 2015 through May 2016. Does he believe in a God.

In videos from the breakfast, protesters – some holding Bernie Sanders signs – shouted over Wasserman Schultz as she attempted to speak in favor of Hillary Clinton. This could make several points difference with my peeps. He also repeated his call for a series of campaign debates with Wasserman Schultz.


Clinton, 68, a former secretary of state, and Sanders, 74, an independent USA senator from Vermont who ran for president as a Democrat, waged a bruising months-long battle for the nomination.

Sanders to Back Clinton, Despite DNC Email Leak