
Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign from DNC at End of Convention

The Democratic National Convention was set to kick off Monday as a week of optimistic celebration with high-powered elected officials and celebrities re-introducing Clinton to a general election audience. And they’re thinking about walking out during the Clinton or Kaine acceptance speech, or perhaps sitting silently.


Efforts by Bernie Sanders supporters to pass amendments eliminating or limiting the power of superdelegates failed to win approval at the committee meeting Saturday in Philadelphia.

“I don’t think she is qualified to be the chair of the DNC, not only for these bad emails, which revealed the prejudice of the DNC, but also because we need a party that reaches out to working people and young people, and I don’t think her leadership style is doing that”, Sanders told Tapper on “State of the Union”, on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

It’s a down-ballot twist on how Bernie Sanders, who has endorsed Canova, was able to raise more than $235 million during his primary race against the far more politically connected – and initially better-funded – Hillary Clinton. This afternoon, I called her to let her know that I am grateful.

Still, Sanders delegate Courtney Rowe, 34, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said “we are not here to disrupt for the goal of disruption”. Several of the emails revealed that certain party officials, including Democratic chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had become increasingly annoyed with Sanders as the primary season moved forward. She did not appear at the convention podium and later watched the proceedings from a private suite. “I want to support Bernie, but I also want to voice my displeasure with the Democratic Party”.

Mook said it was no coincidence the emails are coming out on the eve of the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia. When he led the party in 1999, he said, he wrote a $1,000 check to the campaign of then-presidential contender Bill Bradley – to match the $1,000 Rendell had already donated to Al Gore’s run.

“I would have been highly offended if someone said something like that about me”.

Rendell, an ardent Clinton booster for years, said he hoped Wasserman Schultz’s resignation would help calm the anger from Sanders supporters. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true”. “We are all in this together and we will all have a voice in the Clinton administration”.

Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton accepted Wasserman Schultz’s resignation in statements issued within moments of each other. Tim Kaine. He said most viewed Kaine as not progressive enough and that there had been discussion about a variety of protest actions at the convention, including walking out.

Sanders’ appeal was enough for Deborah Adams, of Cheraw, South Carolina, who served as a whip for the 14 Sanders delegates from her state’s delegation.


“Well, I think it’s outrageous, but it is not a great shock to me”. “We’ve worked hard as a movement”.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz