
Rush: Obama Sounds ‘Reaganesque’ Only at Election Time

The milestone: Whatever happens on Election Day, Clinton will always be the first female presidential nominee of a major USA party.


President Barack Obama anointed her the inheritor of his legacy Wednesday night at the Democratic convention.

Obama’s speech endorsing Clinton-her toughness, her persistence, and her judgment-was genuine because of the respect she earned from him as his secretary of State, and because her election is the only chance of preserving the work of his administration from being dismantled by her Republican rival, Donald Trump.

Clinton appeared unannounced on the platform as Obama’s closed his remarks to soak up the midnight roar of cheering Democrats. “And that’s one reason why nearly every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago”.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said Sunday that experts told the campaign the Russian government was involved in the hacking and did it to influence the election. “She was doing everything I was doing, but like Ginger Rogers, it was backwards in heels”. “America isn’t about ‘Yes he will.’ It’s about ‘Yes we can”‘.

“It is the nature of democracy that until those votes are cast and the American people have their say, we don’t know”, Obama said.

For Trump, who spent decades living a much-publicized life of showy hedonistic excess at his signature skyscraper in the uber-weathy blocks of midtown Manhattan described a life for us ordinary folk that verges on the apocalyptic.

“America is already great”, Obama said.

Obama was in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention 12 years to the day after he shook politics with a convention speech in Boston that encouraged Americans to look at the common threads that unite them. “I got close enough to touch her back, but I couldn’t do it”.

Trump did his best to steal the spotlight Wednesday.

Malik and President Obama share a father, but have a different mother and met for the first time in 1985.

“If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the Federal Bureau of Investigation!” “Donald Trump can not become our commander-in-chief”.

“Donald Trump says he gets his foreign policy experience from watching TV and running the Miss Universe Pageant”. But like after the speech Bill Clinton gave in 2012, there is a good bet that the Democrats will have constructed a post-convention bounce this week even despite all of the bungles and adversity. She offered her resignation to Trump, who rejected it.

“It’s an existential choice for the country”, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Virginia Sen.

He made a case that Americans should trust Clinton.

Kass was quoted recently in a New York Times story saying Obama’s only late night snack is seven lightly salted almonds. No news conference for Hillary Clinton. It was a Biden special, rich with his regular-guy folksiness, misty-eyed storytelling and hard hits. You ought to check that out, ‘ Trump said. He’s trying to tell us he cares about the middle class? “That is a bunch of malarkey”.

Even some Democrats remain unconvinced, a sentiment underscored by the protests of a small but boisterous set of supporters of her primary challenger Bernie Sanders. She’ll lean heavily on her “stronger together” campaign theme, invoking her 1996 book “It Takes a Village”, her campaign said.

Because he’s selling the American people short.

Retired Marine General John R. Allen, who has endorsed Clinton, will be joined on stage Thursday night by a group of veterans to focus on Clinton’s national security credentials.


The first woman to lead a major US political party toward the White House, Clinton will be greeted by a crowd of cheering delegates eager to see history made in the November election.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton walks on stage after President Barack Obama's speech during the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Wednesday